What are Sustainable Aquariums?
An aquarium is a cornerstone of many homes and apartments, but how often have you come home to find your fish floating belly up? Whether the kids forgot to feed them or neglected to change the water filter, the bottom line is it’s time to go out and get a few new aquarium inhabitants. Developing sustainable aquariums may just be the answer to this chronic dilemma. So what are sustainable aquariums anyway? The goal in developing sustainable aquariums is to create an environment in which all the inhabiting organisms can exist without constant care of a person. Ideally, nothing will need to go into or out of the tank, though getting copepods and phytoplankton fish food will help it along.
Buying copepods for an aquarium is one of the quickest ways to help it along to self-sustainability. Copepods are small organisms found in natural habitats that are also eaten by fish and other water dwellers. These organisms are full of all the nutrients you need to keep your fish healthy and boost their immune systems. Copepods and phytoplankton fish food also won’t decay in the tank, leaving the water murky or muddy. Live fish food is a great alternative if you are out of your fish’s favorite flakes, and the benefits give it a great boost as well.
Delivering Copepods And Phytoplankton Fish Food
Food for sustainable aquariums will free you up a bit. Your fish will be living in a habitat that is as close to a natural one as possible, thanks to the introduction of copepods and phytoplankton fish food and your aquarium will be able to sustain itself for a few days. You can schedule a regular delivery from a reliable company and get what you need without having to leave the house. Your local pet store will also stock food for sustainable aquariums, so you have a few options if you’re looking to get this started.
The delivery option is easy if you’re going to have a packed week and simply won’t have time to get to the store. The copepods and phytoplankton fish food are delivered right to your door and will arrive intact. Each delivery comes with instructions on how to properly introduce the organisms to your tank to ensure the best chance of a successful integration. Developing sustainable aquariums has never been easier.
William Murphy says
Are there filter materials that the cope pods can live in? I received the shipment of cope pods and phytoplankton in good shape. I put them together in a 2.5 gallon aquarium and the water is already cloudy. I have a red/blue grow light on them and a air stone producing a stream of fine bubbles. In my 10 gallon tank I had put some copepods. There is a stone full of worm like holes in that tank. The holes are filled with a white chaul ky looking substance.
Noah says
ian m mahoney says
As long as you have Rock or Algae in their they will have a place to stay and reproduce.
Danny DJ says
Thanks for the information.
Jon Dimitri Andrianos says
Michael Wahl says
Setting up a new aquarium. I love algae barn!
Anthony says
Love the phyto auto delivery. Never have to worry about running out.
esear14 says
great article
Hailey Weir says
robert vice says
you all should grown amphippds for the bigger fish and you can see them makes ya feel like you doing something right
Josh Hiltabiddle says
Stability is the key
blk250r says
Stability, the key….yes?
Tony Mutti says
Maybe. It would be hard to never have to feed the fish in the display tank.
Hailey Weir says
Terrence Harrison says
Informative information!
devon says
stay sustainable
Martin Gundel says
Having a scheduled delivery makes sense once the tank is established and one less headache to worry about when u run out.
artaa1988 says
thanks for the info
mohamd says
Thanks for the information
James says
I should start an auto delivery.
Carl Brown says
Good article
Allen Fagard says
Ive been reading about this. Good info
mikerosa1965 says
great info
Andy says
The ability to create a true self-sustaining ecosystem should be everyone’s goal.
Tiffanie says
Nice info!
Christopher Burns says
good read
Brandi says
How often would you need to add pods for this method. Are there any fish that wouldn’t be able to survive on pods?
Tara says
Great stuff to read.very educational
Sean Simkins says
Hailey Weir says
professorcanswanky says
Awsome blog
Nice info
Christian Musselman says
How much can I expect to pay to support 2 clowns a d a yellow tang… ?
I purchased some phytoplankton, when I went on vacation and my fish feeder overfed my fish…. rather than the nitrates going up … the plankton bloomed. I couldn’t see the other side of the tank. With that the copepods had a feeding frenzy .. now I have thousands of fairly large copepods.. or amphpods. Do I still need to feed my clown fish regular food.. or are these live critters enough? They still go crazy for regular food. Do I need to train them to eat copepods?
Christian Musselman says
How much can I expect to pay to support 2 clowns a d a yellow tang… ?
Christian Musselman says
If there are thousands of copepods in the tank, what should I feed the copepods?
Christian Musselman says
If there are millions pods in my salt water aquarium , what should I feed the copepods?
Ross Bennett says
Good info
David says
I wonder if those pod hotels actually work. I just can keep up with the demand. Seems like I put some in my tank and the next thing I know, they’re gone!
Doug Smith says
awesomesauce! thank you!
darksorcerer0530 says
This is super important. People need to be more aware of how and why they should keep sustainable aquariums.
Angela Revell says
Love it
Marc Raupp says
love the Algae Barn subscribe & save. Get phyto and pods once a month and my tank looks great and my fish and coral are happy.
Juan Gonzalez says
Glad to be able to buy from a reputable source, thank you Algaebarn!!
Anthony Ferrelli says
Today is the day… waiting with bated breath.?
Michael Kessler says
Great info
Andrew Bilodeau says
Great info!
Savoury Kem says
Deborah Najm says
We added them, hard to tell if they are still there and when we need to add them again.
Ricardo munoz says
Consistency is key
zadok jollie says
Good to know for the future. Thanks
zadok jollie says
Good to know for the future
erik says
great info!
Gino says
Tim Jones says
Good article makes the hobby easier
James says
garethb9 says
Great information!
Brent Cox says
How many copepods and phytoplankton do you recommend for getting a 120 gallon tank started?
Robert Paniagua says
You guys let me achieve a complete system
brent says
Def our responsibility to care the best we can for the animals in our care, and sustainability is part of that.
jeffreyfelter says
Great information here
Tom Giddens says
good read
John Key says
I am going for this type of setup right now!
Kristoffer Hamann says
Hmmmm makes me think.
danieoue says
Sean Beaver says
Awesome read.
Itzel says
That’s cray cray
Ellen S Imbrie says
Yes yes and yes
Kristopher Kasarda says
Thanks for the info!
chrissyhexd says
Love this article a lot!
Derek says
Agreed! Great info, and I think this should be everyone’s goal!
Justin says
Good info
Jeremy Hunsberger says
Bennett Sheppard says
It’s nice to see that I’m at least in the correct ballpark of doing things correctly.
darrowfam4 says
I am already adding copepods… Is there a way to balance other levels such as calcium and magnesium without dosing?
William Schimmel says
Great post
btack206 says
This would definitely make our lives so much easier!!
Paul R Cote says
Thank you
Paul R Cote says
Ryan M. Vaughan says
Wendy says
I trust AlgaeBarn. Great products, great info. and great help.
Branden Hess says
Was a nice read.
stoph70 says
Completely agree
glenzemke says
This has been a goal of mine since I started reefing
frank says
This is a good article
Logan Kreider says
Good read
Kyle Frame says
Great article
Nicholas says
Jose Pacheco says
Thanks for the information.
Dylan says
Great stuff
Ricardo Munoz says
key to maintaining a healthy reef!
Lisa says
Love the idea of sustainable aquariums! Thanks so much for sharing.
castrommaritza says
That’s why I’m afraid to add a auto feeder
Jered Hedrick says
Great info. Thanks!