Starting a new aquarium requires hobbyists to make a lot of choices. What kind of corals, if any will be kept in the aquarium? Where is the aquarium going to go? What size will it be? How much will be spent on equipment? Will the aquarium be glass or acrylic? All of these questions could have their own articles, but I will be talking about the difference between an acrylic aquarium and a glass aquarium and possibly which is better.
What is the difference between these two materials?
Acrylic, also known as poly (methyl methacrylate), is a type of transparent plastic. It is lightweight and shatter-resistant. Glass, on the other hand, is a heavier material made of mostly silica. When it comes to the actual material comparison of glass and acrylic, acrylic seems like a more reliable material. It is light and durable. Glass is heavier and more likely to break, but does this matter when it comes to choosing aquariums?
Weight and durability: does it matter?
When it comes to aquariums, using a heavier material does not really matter. Moving your aquarium is not something you will often do or something you should do often. Having a lighter material may be convenient when first setting up the aquarium, but it will not make a difference afterward. It is the same thing for durability; after the aquarium is set up, it should not matter much. You should be careful around your aquarium either way. You actually have to be more careful with acrylic. While it is less likely to shatter or crack, it is inevitable that it will get scratched up. An aquarium is more susceptible to scratches than a high force impact.
Now we come to the factor that depends the most on what kind of glass you choose. Being that the hobby rewards you in ways of looks, it is important to have a material that will offer the best visibility. The problem with some types of glass is the blue tint that comes with it. While acrylic does not have this tint, it sometimes gets a cloudy or foggy look as it ages. Scratches will impede visibility as well. This should not be much of an issue as long as you are careful. So does this mean acrylic is better for viewing?
No, it does not. Like said, it really depends on what type of glass the aquarium is made with. Finding a glass aquarium with that undesirable blue-green tint used to be common, but most commercial aquariums are now made with high clarity glass. This glass is crystal clear, much clearer than acrylic. This is possible by making the glass with low iron properties. Acrylic, on the other hand, can yellow over time, which is ugly looking.
Overall glass is better for viability because it does not scratch as easily. You will often find that acrylic aquariums have a “rough” look to them, which is not ideal when displaying elegant fish and beautiful corals.
We all know this hobby is not cheap, so it is important to make sure that you always get the best value for what you are buying.
If you have ever built your own aquarium or sump, you have likely seen the difference in price between acrylic and glass. Most people may think acrylic is cheaper, but it isn’t. The plastic material is more expensive than glass. This does not mean that a glass aquarium will always be cheaper than an acrylic aquarium. There are many reasons why some aquariums are more expensive than others. Some aquariums have far more features, while others are just plain boxes. Nonetheless, by using glass, aquarium makers can spend more money on other features. This does not mean that glass is a low-quality material. The main reason glass is cheaper is simply because it is more popular for aquariums. More glass aquariums are manufactured than acrylic aquariums, making them cheaper.
More on picking an aquarium
The aquarium material is important, but it is not everything when it comes to picking out an aquarium. You will also need a stand and some form of filtration. It can be an all-in-one style, hang-on-the-back filtration, or a sump. If you can, get a tank with a sump. It is also important to ensure that the aquarium you purchase is built with quality. Both the aquarium and the stand should be reliable and built to last. Don’t buy a tank that is poorly designed or poorly put together.
CADE reef S2 aquariums
The CADE Reef S2 aquariums are made of OptiClear glass. This glass is extremely clear and lacks blue-green tints. OptiClear Glass is titled as the clearest glass you can buy. It is used for things other than aquariums but is great for aquariums. CADE reef S2 aquariums are built with the best materials that will make viewing fish and corals an amazing experience each time.
These aquariums could easily be many hobbyists dream tank. They come with a stand, sump, plumbing, and auto top off. The ATO is part of the tank between the intake and returns section. There are five size options. The smallest has a display of 57-gallons and the largest has a display of 171-gallons. CADE Reef S2 aquariums are extremely well engineered. The actual aquarium, the stand, and the sump have had a lot of thought put into them. This aquarium line-up certainly raises the bar.
When it comes down to it, glass is the better material over acrylic. Still, you should make sure that everything else about the aquarium is good as well.
mstrait44 says
evo.reefer94 says
Tim Coplan says
no scratch
Matthew Smoyer says
Glass ?
gerardobarbaro says
Glass my opinion is better
bambauer.m says
missinglink358 says
bambauer.m says
Christopher jeffers says
Glass is clear and dont scratch my choice
Mark says
Glass is all I have used
Brian Smith says
Same! With the exception of some cheap nano tanks, I’ve only ever used glass!
jeffanddeannawilliams says
Had an acrylic tank in the past and I now have a glass tank. I definitely prefer my glass tank!
cronamator says
They both have their advantages but glass always seems to work out better
Charles Folstrom says
I’ve had the best luck with glass.
jeffanddeannawilliams says
Had an acrylic tank in the past and I now have a glass tank. I definitely prefer my glass tank!
Greg Jackson says
I had a small acrylic tank before and it scratched way too easily – have gone with glass ever since and it seems much more durable.
bambauer.m says
Glass is definitely better
pweiss989 says
I definitely agree, glass is better!!
Ryan Gross says
I totally agree!!
Kevin Hayward says
i agree
Charlie says
Low iron glass
robertstevens102183 says
Glass all the way
Larry Moore says
I agree, glass.
Rich Atkins says
Def glass
Cory Randles says
Glass but both have there pros and cons
Cory Randles says
KaiokenX10Devin says
wanda.phills says
Display = Glass
Sump = Acrylic until I had a glass sump!
wanda.phills says
Display = Glass
Sump = Acrylic until I had a glass sump!
heather.thum says
Thomas & Harder says
Glass for me
walter_hdgs says
Star PASSMORE says
I agree
thebigalb2003 says
I agree
Taylor Mielke says
Agreed! Glass
Christina Wahrmund says
I have glass now. When I upgrade, I will stick with glass.
wendy.stern says
Loved the article. Glass all the way
gigi222255 says
Always been a fan of glass. Reefing for 30 years…glass all the way!
Robert Orphan says
brenna406 says
I agree
George says
I have both and prefer acrylic. Yes, they do scratch easier than glass, but they are more stronger than a glass aquarium. With glass, the silicone will eventually wear out and you have to replace the silicone. Also, once glass is scratched it’s permanent while acrylic on the other hand you can polish it right out. I agree that glass is more superior for clarity. For me, it’s acrylic aquariums. I don’t have to worry about blow outs.
Daniel Bucher says
Acrylic looks awesome when clean. And is lighter. But glass will be my next tank.
cjmatthews425 says
Glass just because it takes a little more abuse
Tanner Vermule says
I second that opinion. A single grain of sand destroys acrylic.
vito marchese says
Glass all the wY
Joshua Vaisman says
Joshua Vaisman says
trevorpem10 says
I’ve always leaned towards glass… nothing against acrylic. It’s a touchy-feely thing for me hahaha.
Ryan Reed says
Glass! Acrylic is a $&tch to care for!
taylorator101 says
I’ve always done glass so I don’t want to comment on acrylic but glass has been nothing but perfect for me.
Jadin Devito says
glass all the way! Never really messed with acrylic either
marybeth.jirasek says
Same for me…I’ve only ever had glass and I don’t think I want to try acrylic since glass has been great.
marybeth.jirasek says
Me too. Glass only. And hearing everyone’s comments on acrylic scratching so easily, I’ll stay with glass.
tony says
Daniel Creeron says
Acrylic scratches too easily for my tastes.
Leslie Collard says
Glass for sure!
Daniel Creeron says
Eric says
Not a fan of scratched acrylic
Jeremy says
Definitely chose glass over acrylic! Glass has come a long way! Acrylic scratches super easy!!!
Edwin says
I have only had a glass tank so far
kayla18j says
I have always preferred glass.
Mark says
Glass is all I know anything about
Brent McCloskey says
I’ve always preferred glass.
Glass is better if worried about the easy of scratching
kayla18j says
Glass is better in my opinion.
kweisen-1082 says
Had an acrylic tank 20 years ago, glass is the only way. Stays clear and scratches less likely during maintenance.
Mr Papu says
I’ve only had glass. Don’t see myself going acrylic either.
Cody Fisher says
Glass only all the way.
Cody Fisher says
Glass only all the way.
Granger says
Glass all day!
Michgander reefer says
Love the look of a sid acrylic tank but glass is nice as well.
tyler.powell says
Love them both
Steven Flores says
Glass is the only way
Steven Flores says
Glass is the only way I would g0
Steven Flores says
Glass give a clear view.
Shimi Belen says
I’m a glass guy. Less prone to scratching and clearer.
paulmatthewguilliam says
Definitely glass
Tanner Galmeister says
Glass for sure, acrylic scratches too easy…
Richard Turner says
Only have had glass but happy I went that way
William Leonard says
I love the look through good glass better than acrylic
Scott Forbes says
Glass is heavy but acrylic is a little lighter. Acrylic also scratches very easily so you must be careful when cleaning.
neill0027 says
Good info in article
Thereasa says
I’m so bad at accidentally scratching things, I’ll probably always do glass for my own sanity!
Marshall Dees says
spencershawnallenward says
I’ve always had glass personally I prefer it.
spschiebel says
Glass for me. I don’t have confidence I could keep acrylic scratch free.
William Leonard says
First comment didnt work
mlashawnbenton says
All I’ve ever had is glass, one day of maybe like to do a comparison, but right now I’d take glass.
Shawn says
I prefer glass
salerno.sam says
I prefer glass.
Charles Folstrom says
Glass for me
pumas0511 says
Great article. Thanks.
Mermaid's Reef says
Glass 100%
Daniel Shyer says
ryan2577p says
Would rather have acrylic rather glass any day!!
Aaron Sutton says
acrylic is light and strong, but scratches easier than glass.
Seth Jung says
Glass all the way for me!
Mya Murphy says
Glass is a million times easier…
Tran Phan says
I prefer glass but acrylic has its role in certain applications.
Emily bell says
Robert Bowers says
long run glass is better
teresaannehand says
Glass is easier to clean. However acrylic is much lighter and just as beautiful.
andystipe says
Glass requires less maintenance.
CJ Holloway says
gandla nagaraviteja says
Definitely Go for Glass
Michelle Turton says
Very helpful. Glass!
Carl Lusk says
I’d def go for glass.
cmillward says
Always glass
Alfie Henshaw says
I prefer glass, it is a better view and easy to clean
Russell George says
Glass for sure. I don’t want to always have to worry about scratching the acrylic and glass can take a lot of that abuse.
Jacob T Wright says
I prefer glass but acrylic can look amazing
chadtadams says
Jemma Hussey says
I always heard that acrylic can stratch easily. I have a turtle tank that is made out of glass and I haven’t had any issues.
Deva-dan says
glass, that said my 1st large reef was a 240 acrylic man that was nice to move. fast forward to today move both a res sea reefer 650p as well as 750XXL.
let me say this when your are move a big tank you are wishing for acrylic when its up your a wishing for glass…
Tracy says
Great information here.
sublunarynature says
I’ve only ever had glass. I’m a little afraid of how easily acrylic scratches. I am a clutz.
Thomas A Jordan says
Glass all the way!!
Jose Delgado says
Good article. Glass for long term
atrevino says
Nothing beats glass!
Nick Barger says
Glass all the way
Mike says
Go glass! You will get one scratch and lose your mind with acrylic
fferguson21 says
Michael Pimental says
I like glass simply because I have never owned an acrylic tank.
dwalters1017 says
Always had glass tanks… Acrylic scratch s to easy…. wouldn’t be apposed to trying one… Glass tanks are easier to keep clean
Ryan says
Glass, cleaner color and view
Juan Carlos Perez says
Im more for glass. Never had acrylic but always heard that it scratches easily
Nick Ryan says
I’ve always thought glass just looks nicer. And it doesn’t scratch nearly as easily!
Bill Kroll says
I think for display tank Glass, but maybe the sump should be acrylic, I think I might be scared to chip the sump moving equipment in and out
Jordn says
Glass all the way
Jesus says
Glass for me too.
Bryan says
Glass for me….. but that’s all I’ve used so a bit biased!
Kyle says
Never had an Acrylic tank. I have only had glass ones and I can’t complain.
muhammadd277 says
tylerjaaxmusic says
Glass, no question.
fergusontracy438 says
Glass all day !
H.Hap says
Glass is the only way to go
John Worthington says
I was definitely into using acrylic tanks for a long time but have since changed my mind and gone back to glass acrylic scratches so easy
enordstrom says
Acryilc is ok but glass looks so clean especially the opticlear glass.
Ashley Servee says
I currently have an acrylic and it is super scratched up. They scratch way too easy!
Josep Scalice says
Brad OD says
Glass less hassle and scratches
Tess Scuba says
Glass 100%!
jasonbohr26 says
Glass certainly looks like the way to go
Bart says
Definitely glass
benddontbreak says
I like both , but I prefer glass
David says
I only have glass but have heard that acrylic scratches easier but you can buff it out easier than scratches in glass which requires chemicals to buff out scratches. Acrylic is lighter but more expensive and I hear it is a bit clearer.
jjjestude says
Glass for sure
David Sheffield says
after my children “helping” clean the tank…I will never buy acrylic again. so easy to scratch
Gary Edwards says
Can’t afford acrylic but I like the seamless look you can get from it
Rboon says
Lisa says
Thanks for the info!
hotroddin303 says
Glass every time
Compy Ginorio says
Glass its the best choice. Less hazzard of scratching while cleaning it.
Troy D Feeken says
Tilor Teegardin says
Glass is way better than acrylic! Much more durable and takes less care. In my experience at any rate.
Tilor Teegardin says
Glass is way better than acrylic! Much more durable and takes less care. In my experience at any rate.
Scott Even says
Glass For the Win!
jstburnt says
Gotta go with glass
Jeff Rust says
I like glass tanks.
Beiru Ching says
test comment 2 from appsmav
mtreiber0416 says
Looking at my scratched acrylic tank right now wishing I had went with glass
Dee says
Dee from Brooklyn says glass has stood the rest of time. It’s easier to clean and harder to scratch
Andrew Welsh says
Generally prefer glass, but acrylic does have its place. Design-wise, there are things that are easily done with acrylic that would be absurdly expensoce with glass.
Also, because acrylic is stronger, it has major benefits for very large tanks (the kind that don’t come in a box).
Its also nice that acrylic can have scratches removed, which is basically impossible with glass (not that you’d want to)
It’s also worth noting, some of the higher clarity glass is also easier to scratch. Win some, lose some, but material science can be very interesting.
Jay says
Glass. I didn’t enjoy acrylic.
Jay says
Glass. I didn’t enjoy acrylic.
justin dejesus says
ive always used glass. never really tried acrylic
Jay-Jay Agnir says
I prefer glass just for the clarity and durability.
Tim Tran says
Kristian MadMax Theissen says
Glass as I have never had acrylic.
Mike Brown says
I like glass! I would be too worried about scratches.
Dallas T. says
Glass for me, thank you!
Chris Segraves says
Never had an acrylic tank so I have no opinion on it. Si I say all glass for me
Jorge Aranguthy says
I just want the free aquarium
Christopher A. Hough says
Glass 100%
ricks024 says
Kevin Johnson says
I like glass. I am too afraid I would scratch the acrylic.
Linda Montgomery says
Glass more durable and just nicer ?
Tj says
Glass, those little scratches in acrylic, you can stop seeing.
jjjestude says
Glass for sure always
Bob Trimper says
glass for saltwater
Tanis Allan says
Glass all day every day.
shawn vest says
Glass 100%, acrylic definitely has its bonuses but it is soo much harder to keep clean
zmaldon says
always glass…. good quality and beautiful looking glass, your fish and corals will love you for it.
Bill says
Glass for sure
Rushil K says
I prefer glass tanks than acrylic. For acrylic, it’s easy to scratch it. However, glass is more heavier.
Michael Coovert says
I am definitely a glass guy.
Veronica J Spurgeon says
Glass for sure!
dsh92056 says
ZombDad says
Glass for the scratch resistance
Astrid Hopkins says
I think acrylic has passed it’s time. There is such huge improvement on the glass used today that it’s the only way to go!
Zachmazepa says
Glass will always be my choice for main display. Use acrylic in fish room where it doesn’t really matter what the tank looks like long term.
devon.mccauley says
My tank is acrylic and it scratched way to easy
gofor100 says
aaron says
I find that glass is much easier to take care of and lot harder to scratch
ed.leslie says
Glass is the best, in my opinion, until see through aluminum is invented…………….
monkeyplane1 says
erin wirfel says
Never had acrylic interested in trying it someday
Ron Oppor says
For me I prefer the acrylic. I’m able to customize the tank to fit the area.
Paul Marvin says
I personally prefer glass over acrylic.
Cody Maier says
Glass definitely gives a more crystal clear view of your animals.
tonymininno says
Plan to upgrade and am considering acrylic due to weight factor and my location. Have a glass tank now and see the advantages f glass.
Mike Alsgaard says
Glass All the way, know it’s heaver but never gotten a scratch in it either
Mike Alsgaard says
Glass All the time, know it’s heaver but never gotten a scratch in it either
Javier Torres says
Glass here
madonia.robert says
Robert Paniagua says
Glass all the way. Easier to clean and not many worries
Justin says
Kristina Slamar says
Glass 100%
Robert Schwencke says
Glass as well.
cindy.macias says
I prefer acrylic to glass. It looks better
Ryan Hughes says
I prefer glass but wouldn’t be upset if someone gave me an acrylic tank
gbrag64 says
Glass is my preference
Sean says
I had a reef in an acrylic and switched to glass. Glass is much better.
Bryan Sees says
Glass will always get my vote. Acrylic scratched way too easier in my experience.
Michael Roth says
I like Glass better, acrylic, while you can buff out some scratches, scratches too easily.
Christopher Lee says
glass, less likely to scratch.
Rebecca Watson says
I’ve always used glass and will stick with glass for saltwater for sure! Can’t risk the easy scratches while cleaning the glass daily!
Ellery F Wong says
Glass for sure
kchristensen8064 says
Glass all the way! It may be heavier but once you have it in place you shouldn’t have to move it. Acrylic just scratches way to easy for my liking.
Micah Stelling says
Glass feels more sophisticated. So I’m going glass.
James Wohler says
Glass makes the most sense.
vduckt says
GLASSS !! acrylic scratches so easy
jonlillie says
Glass 100%. Acrylic scratches way too easy.
tony_garcia18 says
I like the acrilic cuz it’s a little more derable and shatter proof
Robert Graham says
Robert Graham says
North have pluses and minuses
Keaton Smith says
Glass all the way
arlan says
I have a tough time on this, glass is heavy but don’t get scratches, acrylic is much lighter but does get scratches much easier. When you have health issues where heavy isn’t a choice without help, makes rubbing scratches out look easy. So it is a personnel choic
fuonepiece says
glass for me
bluekab says
I’ve always had glass tanks and I think I always will.
mterry9239 says
Glass all the way
jesuslopez_21 says
Glass all the way
Tesia Oliver says
Hate my acrylic. Looking forward to my future glass tank!
Anthony Gaeta says
Kevin Hayward says
i agree
brian s says
great info. never had acrylic.
Todd says
My tank is glass. If I could go acrylic I would but my glass one works fine.
7aquamom says
Glass! Way easier to clean .
William Di Martino says
I use both.
brotherdave44 says
Glass definitely, will never own a scratch box again.
jeffanddeannawilliams says
I’ve had both and definitely prefer glass!
Ismael Ortiz says
Glass, it doesn’t scratch that easily.
Shawn Lyons says
I like glass displays but would use acrylic for sumps.
Allen J Fagard says
Kieth Jones says
Glass 100%
theladdiefamily says
Would love acrylic but I have dogs, cats and kids. Glass is the only thing I’ll buy!
Bob Trimper says
comment didn’t log
Tanis Allan says
Glass is king!
Dillon says
Jeremy Thompson says
motor795 says
I like glass, as it is stronger and less scratch prone, but they also weigh a million pounds.
jstburnt says
Glass, glass, glass
johnlourenco says
Glass all the way
michaelcburch626 says
I’ve always preferred glass
Sean says
Acrylic is only nice until it is scratch, and it will scratch. Glass is better all around.
Nik says
fferguson21 says
Aleays Glass
reynaldo787 says
Always glass.
liqin.nicole.xu says
Glass 100%
john.udasco says
vbll2232 says
Glass is best!
scottjung says
Glass if you want to view what is inside. Never had a tank break and don’t usually move them around so weight and breakability less of a concern than scrubbing. Like non-stick pans, the more you use them and “clean” them, the sooner they start getting imperfections.
Thelma says
Glass. Doesn’t scratch as easy
Retha young says
Like glass better. Acrylic scratches so easy …..
zadok jollie says
Great read but I love glass
zadok jollie says
Great read but I love glass =)
zadok jollie says
I love glass
John smith says
Never owned and acrylic tank but really interested in trying
Kyle says
lkysvnchop says
I’ve owned acrylic and never again will I. No matter who makes it or what they promise all acrylic will end up yellowing over time.
houphouet0 says
Glass is definitely the way to go.
Angel OConnor says
Kris ligon says
I’ve always liked glass bc I don’t have to worry about scratches as much.
Kurt Kidder says
I have ideas for a tank just not sure what material to use.
Aaron Loboda says
I prefer the durability of glass to acrylic.
corydbronner45 says
Glass for sure
blake.steele95 says
Michelle says
sweetestone04 says
Glass 100% to scared of the scratches of have acrylic
Jay O'Rourke says
Acrylic tanks have come a long way
William Leonard says
I like glass better it dont scratch as easy
Ted Tworek says
ahaslem says
bradley.harden says
Acrylic is easy to scratch but if you’re like coralfish12g and you needed to move your tank maybe semi annually then you’d have a much easier time with that than a glass. That said I prefer glass for the clarity and scratch resistance.
Tony Mininno says
Glass is so easy to maintain.
Paul Marvin says
For a long term reef tank, I would definitely go with glass!
Stephen Offutt says
Enjoy them clarity, insulative properties of acrylic
Like the more difficult to scratch nature of glass
beth.toler says
Have both, prefer glass
Sean Clark says
justan jenkins says
as long as you are careful around your tanks, no reason why you shouldn’t choose glass.. acrylic.. well.. just DONT!
Angelica says
Glass all the way. I don’t scratches, and at big tank sizes, things will be heavy anyway.
Rick Garant says
Definitely glass dont scratch as easy dont get etched
gbrag64 says
Glass all the way
Michael Mooney says
I like glass but I’ve never owned an acrylic tank
M Morgan says
Going on record that these tanks by CADE re bad ass and well thought out. Who would not want such a beautiful piece of engineering?
That said, I worked in a commercial museaum / aquarium. We had multiple 300 gallon peninsula tanks in acrylic. These met with school kids touching them all the day long and they held up very well. Simply put… there is fantastic glass (CADE) and cheap glass (petco). The same can be said for anything.
Rj reyes says
Glass all the way for me! Easier to clean and maintain!
lawilson says
Definitely glass!
mstrait44 says
again… glass
pmstrait says
Burke says
Glass seems superior but acrylic surely has its benefits
john-3645 says
Glass is definitely the way to go! unless its a frag tank.
steve rivara says
Glass is the best
Lucas Turman says
Personally glass will forever be my go to, first tank was acrylic and if I looked at that thing the wrong way it got scratches lol
Jennifer Reichardt says
I prefer super clear glass to acrylic. We have both. I feel like the light reflects better off of the glass.
Jennifer Lye says
I have glass
Mike Kincade says
I personally like glass
Lance says
Glass is my choice
joshuasims400 says
100 % glass
Josh says
Nice article
s_coffman says
I prefer glass
Aaron Gilka says
Glass preferred not so easy to scratch up vs acrylic
Corey Harges says
Glass baby
Rebecca Whitley says
I hve only ever used glass, was debating a small acrylic now less likely!
diamondlawrence737 says
Glass for sure
andystipe says
I will always have a glass tank.
Leon Maldonado says
Over the years I have had both custom acrylic and low-iron glass tanks. Each has their pro’s and con’s but I lean toward the low-iron glass tanks simply for the fact that they have the clarity of the acrylic tanks (especially in the larger sizes) and will resist accidental scratches far better. However, costs for low-iron are much higher than the standard glass aquarium and weigh considerably more than same sized acrylic tanks. View each in person at a friend’s home or local fish store and decide which looks best to you.
salparmar says
If you can take care of it then acrylic but if not then glass
scotty8284 says
Glass for display, and all other uses as well. Acrylic for utilitarian uses, like frag or QT.
judyjarsko says
I vote glass
Patrick Kenney says
Glass all day!
Marco says
Acrylic is definitely stronger and should last longer, but glass just looks better to me and acrylic scratches way too easy.
Natalie Neace says
Tanks are a lot to consider! Loved hearing all the differences!
Leo Minegishi says
I always say go glass or go home. Acrylic looks great, as long as I’m not the one maintaining it.
mattporpora says
If only glass tanks could be epoxied like the acrylics
Matt Hollis says
Glass is better because it’s more durable.
Wynonah D Bates says
Always had glass, but worked with acrylic… Each have their strengths and weaknesses but I choose glass to own.
dcreeron says
See my earlier post.
joshuameadows989 says
I have had nothing but glass but I would try it
dvnperry91 says
Glass just seems so much easier to care for…
joshuameadows989 says
If I I have not had anything but glass
dougp says
Glass… easier to maintain and more versatile.
flanag43 says
acrylic will scratch
purelakerfan says
I have both glass and acrylic. I like the lightness of acrylic but the scratching is the fallback. Glass is what I prefer.
Natasha Brodsky says
I didn’t know this! Thank you for the information.
Thomas says
Glass is the only way to go!
Dennis says
I prefer high quality low iron glass. I think that they look better and it is harder to scratch. Thanks for sharing the pro’s and con’s of each
jasonrsimpson says
I’m very much a glass guy. To nervous that I will scratch acrylic.
Jeremy Rankin says
I like glass, maybe I am old school. I really just don’t like the responsibility and upkeep of acrylic. Plus I would always worry about scratching it>
jayfl77 says
Glass unless it’s a large tank. Acrylic makes it easier to move
austinlinn13 says
Sam Lundberg says
Glass all the way. Heavier but more forgiving
Anita Kennett says
Great advice
Michele Price says
Glass, especially for the long term
heather.palafox says
I definitely prefer glass tanks as I advance in this hobby.
dsims369 says
I’ve had both now, and although acrylic is more expensive, I definitely say it’s worth it for the weight & clarity alone!
rpkneumann says
Love good quality crystal clean glass.
Regret the curved corners of my BioCube since it distorts the view quite a bit.
Tanner Funai says
A lot of people don’t know this but acrylic is porous and will absorb water overtime and bend as opposed to glass with superior optic quality (light transmission and color rendition) but also lasts years longer…
Tian Sorg says
Glass would be my choice
arthurbc says
I could go either way
animeman988 says
I prefer the look and ease of a glass aquarium, not having to worry about scratches or sturdiness of the tank. I feel since glass is heavy and sturdy that it is stronger and is going to last longer than acrylic. This is just my preference though.
Jeff says
glass even acrylic knows this hence the name plexiGLAS(S)
aguapyassu says
miamma3 says
Unless someone comes out with a 100% scratch-proof acrylic tank I will have to choose Glass.
Stephanie Smith says
l.lozaja says
Glass all the way save yourself the headache of the scuffs and scratches
Amanda says
Lots of great information
Adam Prato says
I’ve scratched glass…if I owned an acrylic tank it would be scratched even if I just looked at it haha
Chris Bena says
Love crystal clear low iron star fire glass!
Jeff Zwolinski says
Glass has ugly edges.
Joe Willis says
I’ve always had glass tanks. In my situation, the tradeoff has never been worth the cons of acrylic.
hostetterdawn says
Both have their good and bad qualities but ive always been a glass tank fan myself. ?
dillonpitts28 says
Glass for sure.
sarahreece80 says
Glass ?
Carl Heller says
All my tanks are glass tanks I’ll love to try Acrylic tanks and see the difference.
Larry Brazzell says
Glass all day. Less flexing . Less scratching
Christopher Thomas says
Glass is best
Steve Coffman says
I feel that the glass tanks age better with time.
ashleysweet67 says
Always have great info
Brett says
Glad for the win
Christina Phelan says
Pro glass
kyron_cochran says
i prefer glass, only because it has better scratch resistance over acrylic. not as big of a concern in a freshwater setup as it is in a marine tank.
Andrew Lister says
Love it
Robert Bowers says
Get glass, acrylic scratches too easily.
chrisj7705-8921 says
Love glass
michael thorne says
glass glass baby
drjoeproscia says
Glass all day
ryan2577p says
Acrylic all the way!!
Joe says
I’ve had both and prefer glass, less worrisome when it comes to scratching.
Justin says
Very informative read.
justis moreau says
glass doesnt scratch easy
alan says
Always go glass!
alan says
For me its gotta be glass
mchaseiii says
Go GLASS!!!!!!
Echo Rodetsky says
I’d rather have glass. I like the idea of a lighter tank but scratches look so terrible.
galetichtrey1 says
I have always liked the clarity of acrylic but it scratches very easy.
Michael Liu says
Glass all they way for me!
Joshua Nelson says
Glass 100%
Martin D Robinson says
I prefer glass
kmaves22 says
I have acrylic and it does scratch so easily and then the scratches fill up with film and makes just cleaning the view a chore
Matthew Gary says
Never had an issue scratching glass, so never a need to try acrylic. I don’t believe I will ever own an acrylic tank
Jason Boggess says
Jason Boggess says
Soren Shurtleff says
glass is cheaper and doesn’t scratch as easily
Justin Walz says
Acrylic is perfect for sumps, horrible for DT.
Lesa Arny Gallagher says
Lesa Arny Gallagher says
100% Glass
ryan2577p says
Definitely acrylic!
tonymininno says
Glass is easier to take care of than acrylic.
Jasper says
Glass is way more forgivable!
Jason says
I like both
stroja62 says
I want to try acrylic but think I will stick with glass
cnawn says
Glass all day
Compy Ginorio says
Glass for sure.
matt_armstrong53 says
AndrewPlays . says
I prefer acrylic
AndrewPlays . says
I prefer acrylic
Joe Camejo says
Glass is easier IMO
Damien jaggers says
I like both
timsterrrr says
Glass all the way!!
Ricky O. says
Great advice for when i am going to get a new tank
Amy King says
Glass all the way.
monicaalto1 says
I prefer glass because of the other glass where it will be.
jaywelle says
Glass has come too far in quality to have a meaningful disadvantage to acrylic.
John Vermont says
Nothing compares to the style of glass. Simply elegant
Teri Embum says
Glass aquariums all the way. Had acrylic – scratched no matter how careful I was.
georgearena25 says
I personally will always buy glass I just think its alot more durable.
Claude Duprez says
I’ve had both through the years. Now that aquariums use low iron glass I’m all in on it. Acrylic tanks do have maintenance to keep them from becoming yellow, it just requires polishing them every 6 months or so. My next display tank will be a Cade beautiful workmanship.
Andre Phills says
Glass all the way!
I have only used Acrylic with sumps and prefer my Glass sumps over them for ease of cleaning.
xunknownx says
like glass better
Antonio Orianza Medina says
How is the durability on Acrylic?
reefgenetics2020 says
Glass all the way
jim collins says
Glass for sure.
hubbjm says
I like acryllic
Arlan White says
glass is heavy but doesn’t scratch acrylic is lighter but does get scratches
deefrombrooklyn says
Stands the test of time. GLASS ALL THE WAY
echurch549 says
Glass for me. But I do worry about larger “monster” tanks being glass.
akozub2004 says
Becky Nealis says
Glass all the way
tc80t says
Love glass !
a_bruha says
Had both, prefer glass
d.sears1987 says
Team glass
Robert C says
Not even a question. Acrylic looks awful as it ages.
Robert C says
Could never pull the trigger on acrylic, it just ages terribly.
Robert C says
Could never pull the trigger on acrylic
Robert C says
Could never pull the trigger on acrylic. Too many examples out there with how bad they look in the long run.
Robert C says
Acrylic just ages poorly
robert404 says
mhorton says
Unless I wanted a complex shape ( which are impractical IMO) glass would almost always be my preference because of scratch resistance.
mhorton says
Unless I wanted a complex shape ( which are impractical IMO) glass would almost always be my preference because of scratch resistance.
Ray Gonzalez says
Glass! Definitely glass. Not as easy to scratch.
Ron says
Clarity – acrylic but issue of scratching glass wins
markkrider68 says
Glass for sure easier to keep clean and scratching
James Reed says
I’m a glass guy as I like razor blades and acrylic doesn’t!
Joseph Stmarie says
I always like glass because of the fact it don’t fade. But hate the scratches it gets
Jorge Cabrera says
Glass, doesn’t scratch as easily
michael.cox.ii says
I have always been a fan of glass tanks. They provide something acrylic can’t. The clarity and weight is nice on an acrylic but high quality class can add durability and clarity as well. Just heavy as all hell
minyardjason says
Ryan Skinner says
Glass can be buffed out sometimes vs Acrylic your just adding fuel to the fire with scratches.
Amir Tas says
Glass > acrylic
Ricks Garage says
Definitely glass
michaelgtcaruso says
Glass may be heavier, but I like how it doesnt scratch as easily.
specialname76 says
I had a acrylic tank, scratched it myself. Just not to bad.
r_nealis says
kmeyersusmc says
Glass all the way
sarabeth3412 says
Currently have a glass 55 gallon cube
Ryan Gross says
I totally agree!!
Christina Wynn says
After much research, weighing pros and cons, glass only for us.
brad.crow84 says
Never had an acrylic tank before. Looks really nice.
Mike Mijarez says
Would definitely go with the glass aquarium!
Mike Mijarez says
Wouldn’t definitely go with a glass aquarium!
Grieta Kinens says
<3 Glass <3
James McGee says
Nathaniel vick says
Once you go glass everything else is subpar
Keith Taylor says
I could go with either. I think I prefer glass though
heath.hester says
+1 for glass
Brandon Yachna says
Definitely glass. I hate little scratches!!!
Timminy Moore says
I’m glass all the way!
Advantages and disadvantages for both, just depends on what you value more.
arin0913 says
I’ve owned both, acrylic does scratch easily but glass limits me in size and design at times.
Kaci J Thomas says
Pik Ki Szeto says
I prefer glass
michellesmith0315 says
TTOP says
Kin says
Glass all the way
david.portholepub says
I like glass just because it doesn’t scratch as easily. Acrylic it’s still good though, lots of options
mini_lexk says
glass is most definitely the ideal choice
Conner says
I definitely prefer acrylic you just have to know how to care for them
wili145 says
toddeddie says
Once acrylic twice shy…
thehouseofhays says
Glass is king
ibropalic says
appreciate the contest
iwant2cook4u says
im glass al the way
dwgroves says
I have had both….and glass is the best!!!
Oscar Saavedra says
acrylic is good for sumps , but in my opinion not good for the tank because it scratches very easily
jeremywenz says
Deffinately glass over acrylic these days! Though I’ve had several of both
jeremywenz says
Deffinately glass over acrylic these days! Though I’ve had several of both
Will Humphreys says
Glass is my preference. I didn’t know that my current 90 is acrylic until I started cleaning it and scratched t with the magnet…
Joshua Tibbetts says
Either is fine with me.
Kenneth Frasian says
I prefer Glass over Acrylic! Having built dozens of acrylic tanks all the way up to a 250 Gallon Predator Tank the luster of acrylic died. Its far too expensive and preparation takes all too much effort all in the end for scratches to easily appear. Low Iron Glass is far superior in the long run and looks great for years to come!
gtilove86 says
I prefer glass!
Eddie Patterson says
Laura Sloan says
I think glass is the way to go – I’m glad to see Cade tanks are made from glass
hannah_roo41 says
Glass because it doesn’t scratch as easily as acrylic
Anthony O'Toole says
Glass tanks all day long.
Matt Bohl says
Seeing up my first acylic tank soon says
Low iron glass
Xiaoxi Yang says
Glass all the way.
pdandy15 says
Billy Koch says
I have seen the beauty of glass tanks and they are jsut more beautiful than anything else. Plus heard aryclic can tend to scratch.
sphillips1167 says
shirley devera-Caldwell says
Thank you for the info! good to know and contemplate
pastort.a.sherman says
brocklehurstmatt says
Glass, my sump is acrylic and i’m always afraid of scratching it up or messing it up some way
angelamcummings says
we prefer the glass tanks
marshallbros59701 says
Roberto Castro says
Definitely glass.
09arms says
09arms says
Glass is nicer
darrenmcfarlin says
Glas but have both
nannasumpty says
acrylic is much better then glass because glass leaks fast
Carly says
Definitely glass!
Jim T says
I have had both and the both have pros and cons so go with your budget
Eric Brown says
Edward Thayer says
Glass for smaller tanks, acrylic for LARGE tanks.
erin wirfel says
marshallbros59701 says
I have a 30 gal acrylic just can’t be careful enough it seams
Richard Morris says
Rebecca Clark says
Only glass for me!
dawn.g22 says
straitmartin says
Dongyu says
Love this one!