The angelfish family (Pomacanthidae) has some of the most elegant fish to exist. These fish, however, can be massive. For example, Queen angelfish can reach 17 inches, which is not something that is wanted in the average reef tank. The alternative to this is Dwarf angels. These are a smaller, less aggressive, and more manageable version of these beautiful fish that obtain the same color and elegance. There are many options of dwarf angelfish, but the most desired is the Coral Beauty. As it is said in its name, this fish is beautiful!
The Coral Beauty Angel (Centropyge bispinosa), also known as the dusky angelfish, is predominantly vibrant blue and deep purples. At a juvenile stage, it has more bright orange colors, but as it gets older it becomes bluer while the orange still exists, giving it a large contrast of bright colors. Blue and purple are colors that are hard to find on common saltwater fish, which makes the coral beauty seem even more exotic.
While these fish originate in the reefs of Indonesia and Fiji, they are now being captive bred, which gives hobbyists like you a higher chance at successfully keeping one of these magnificent fish. Like other captive bred fish, these Coral Beauties are less susceptible to diseases such as ich and marine velvet and they better adapt to aquarium life. The makes the fish more happy and comfortable living in reef and saltwater aquarium systems, while also making the hobbyist more happy knowing their fish was not stolen from the ocean and knowing that it will better thrive in their tank.
Coral Beauty Angelfish Care requirements
Generally, Coral Beauty angelfish are hardy and easy to care for, especially if it is captive bred. They will thrive in basic required tank parameters. Being an angelfish, the BIOTA Coral Beauty angelfish will graze on algae within the tank. That being said, if there is only a small amount of algae within the aquarium, they should be fed some sort of substitute for this algae to keep their diet balanced and healthy.
As for tank size, they can be in a 50-gallon system when they are smaller, but it would best if they are in at least a 70-gallon system as they grow. That way they will have plenty of swimming room. It is also important to make sure that you have plenty of rock with hiding spots so that they are more comfortable in your tank.
Things to watch out for
You may be thinking that you would like to have both a Flame Angel and a Coral Beauty in your aquarium. This seems as though it would be great, but it plainly is not. There are few exceptions where two Dwarf angelfish have lived in an aquarium in harmony. Unless you have a very large tank, it is extremely unlikely that things would work out. So when it comes to putting angelfish in your reef tank, it is best to stick with the Coral Beauty Angelfish.
Another thing that is commonly known for all Dwarf angelfish is that they may nip corals. Some are more prone to do it than others, but it is generally a chance form fish to fish. Out of all the Dwarf angels, the Coral Beauty is most known to leave corals alone. Then again, you can never be for sure. Some may claim that they will only go after specific coral. In this case, it is best to closely observe the fish day to day and make decisions on whether it needs to be removed or not. One thing you could do to avoid your Coral Beauty form becoming a coral nipper is to make sure they are properly fed.
That’s it! Head here to purchase your own captive-bred Coral Beauty.
Chris says
Love these angels
Terry Johnston says
I love angels are amazing!
Cole presley says
Good read
E says
One of my favourite types of angelfish!
Andrea Harewood says
I’ve been eyeing this fish for a while now but my lfs didn’t recommend it as they may nip my corals. I don’t know if I should just risk it?! They’re very beautiful though!
Shelly White says
I keep mine well fed. It hasn’t bothered any of my corals ?
James McGilvray says
They are such beautiful fish.
Nelly Acevedo says
I want one so bad. Thanks for the info
James McBryde says
Had a Coral Beauty but lost it due to an ich outbreak. Replaced with a Flame Angel and tank is now ich-free.
sally says
Love Angelfish. I have an Emperator that owns my tank. I would love to try adding a Coral Beauty, but am affraid of conflict.So, I will be content to love on my Emperor Angel
pdeolim says
These are one of my first dream fish for my tank, I love them. Even now that you can get them captive bread.
Sarah says
Beautiful fish, they like to chase each other around my tank.
smash2799 says
Great article!
Austin Byers says
Can’t wait to get some!
Larry says
Coral beauty angelfish is one of the most colorful fish inthe saltwater aquarium hobby.
Karl Halmstad says
Have one of these in my 185gl reef tank
Sage Cowley says
Love to have one but the “with caution” always freaks me out.
Doug Talley says
Cant wait till i can put a coral angel in my tank.
Jose caraveo says
Love my coral beauty, only nips at seaweed
Jerry L Thompson says
Very nice
Drew Pearce says
trevor says
One of my favorite fish, has almost every color you could want!
brandonbjones1 says
I’m very intrigued about the angel fish when I get a bigger tank I might have to get one.
Rondy says
Coral beauty angelfish are so beautiful
cwalshjr1 says
Great looking fish
Duy Le says
Love these beauties
Jeanne Louther says
Kenneth Thomas says
I love them
Sarah says
Beautiful fish, they love to chase each other around my tank.
Sarah says
Beautiful fish, they love to chase each other.
Eric Serrano says
The are very beautiful fish to have one day I will own 1 but I feel like I’m an experienced enough to have 1 yet
tolandchristopher says
Wow very informative.
Rob Colletti says
Honestly a gorgeous and easy to keep fish.
robert vice says
I want a coral beauty I’m afraid they will nip at my corals
Peter Cassidy says
I have been considering a dwarf angel for my 60 cube. This cinches it.
jeff5 says
Coral Beauties are amazing. Wonderful color… Great fish… Just hope they don’t get a taste for your corals.
Jose Pacheco says
Really nice fish, and the best part is captive bred, I prefer captive bred than wild caught.
Wendy J Hilton says
These guys are beautiful
xylahilton says
These guys are beauties
Mike Mijarez says
Had one but was nippy at my hermits
JA says
Renee says
Stella says
Wish I could add one. Thanks for the info
Stella says
Wish I could add one. Thanks for the info
Ellen S Imbrie says
Thank you
Cody says
Nice fish
sdemarco62 says
Very Beautiful fish, Not sure if i want to chance it with corals.
Dee says
Can’t wait until I can get a flame angel or any variety really..good read
cmac9825 says
Very nice fish
cmac9825 says
Nice fish
cmac9825 says
Nice fish for reef tank
Jeremy Hunsberger says
Love Angel’s but also love coral.
Dan Brands says
These fish are a beautiful addition to any tank. The contrasting colors just grab your attention.
Stacey Gore says
Love these fish
Kayla says
I want coral for my tank! Beautiful
cmac9825 says
Captive bred more hardy
John Evans says
Captive bread is the best way to go
William Ware says
Great read.
Renee says
I can’t wait to get one of these!
Jerry Foster says
love these fish and I am considering adding one to my 75 gallon but still a little leary as I have several corals and would hate to lose any of them but I have been looking at fish traps as a backup plan
Danzel Thad Ermac Boiser says
Very informative one! I hope I can get one.
Danzel Thad Ermac Boiser says
Very nice
Anthony J Szurek says
The coral beauty is the easiest dwarf angel to care for
cmac9825 says
Great article
Jon B Swetnam says
What a beautiful fish and it is now available captive bred! Awesome!!
keith webb says
Great article!
David Cawley-cole says
Goog looking fish.
Rhonda Cunningham says
Got to see angels while scuba diving! My fave! Good read!
Remy Lelias says
I’m in love with angel fish and I’m happy that you are leaning toward a more sustainable way of fish keeping. I will get one soon for my new reef tank!!!
Remy says
I absolutely love this fish. I should be getting one for my new reef tank. Can’t wait!!! Plus I’m not taking one from the wild. All my fish are going to be captive bread and all my coral are going to be aqua-cultured. The only problem is that it’s a little more expensive.
Remy Lelias says
I love this fish I will get it for my new reef tank!!!
Kevin Kamphuis says
Beautiful fish and glad to see more captive breeding in the hobby.
Sean says
I had one. It killed my clam.
Nathaniel Konkel says
Scott Michael says minimum required size is 30 gallons (probably long) for this fish. 50 gallons seems more reasonable though for a 4 inch fish.
Vancejj says
Love how beautiful angels are unfortunately I’m not willing to keep them because I keep the tank for coral not fish and it’s not worth the risk. The coral beauty is my favorite.
Roger says
I’d like one of these.
smash2799 says
Theyre beauties alright!
fishtankpsycho says
Gorgeous fish. Haven’t ever risked them in a reef tank though. I have kept them in FOWLR tanks though.
Shawn Benton says
Nice to know. I am thinking of getting one tomorrow.