Copepods and Amphipods
Fresh copepods and amphipods are a terrific alternative to the flakes or pellets that normally come to mind when you think of fish food. Not only does live fish food have more nutrients and
health benefits for your fish, but the organisms also act as “cleaners” in a fish tank. Fresh copepods eat the plant or algae material that’s commonly found on the walls of your fish tank, which will make cleaning and maintenance much easier. Feeding copepods and amphipods to fish will also allow the fish to partake in some of the same predatory habits they would in their natural fresh or salt water environment. Buying copepods and amphipods online allows you to save a little money because you can buy them in bulk. In fact, the cost is one major reason many fish-owners avoid buying fresh copepods or fresh amphipods. Order online, though, and you’ll be glad you did.
Amphipods are usually larger than copepods and have different benefits than other live fish food. Copepods, for example, are great for seeding new tanks while providing a continuous supply of fresh, live fish food for its inhabitants. Feeding copepods to fish allows you to take advantage of these benefits easily. The copepods will live out their life cycles within your tank, allowing the fish to feel a little bit more like they are in their own natural habitat.
Buying Fresh Copepods Online
Feeding copepods to fish is one of the best ways to ensure your fish live long lives that are as healthy as possible. While pellets and flakes sold in pet stores have become much better alternatives than they once were, nothing will beat fresh fish food. Copepods are usually the best option and you can buy them online easily. Simply make your selection and provide your billing/shipping information.
Buying online is one reason people may hesitate when it comes to feeding copepods to fish. The idea of getting fresh fish food delivered regularly may not inspire a lot of confidence, but it really all depends on who you are buying from. If you buy from a reliable retailer or vender, you will be able to guarantee you’re getting the freshest supplies and food for your fish. These fresh amphipods, copepods, and phytoplankton (another popular option for fresh fish food) will be shipped to last. That means in the proper containers and with instructions as to how you should add them to your tank. You’ll feel much better about buying the food online!
john harrison says
I have only a small 10g reef, with one clown, LPS/SPS = Hammer, Blueberry Fan, 3 Goniopora, Zoanthids, and button Polyps. I am using Ocean Magik daily and I dosed a bag of Poseidons Feast at the end of October. When should I consider adding more Posedon’s feast and how should I dose inmy small reef? Thanks
Noah says
Jon Dimitri Andrianos says
Brenda says
Can they be fed to my freshwater fish? Would they also stay alive in freshwater aquariums, and clean them like reefs?
Anthony says
Is there a cost advantage to feeding copepods versus a frozen cubed food? Which would be most beneficial in the long run?
ian m mahoney says
Since they are alive they will consume unwanted waste and reproduce providing continuous source of food for your fish.
esear14 says
love this
Josh Hiltabiddle says
Everybody is happier with pods
robert vice says
that answered my last question about the amphipods
Tony Mutti says
Variety is key. These are great because they not only feed the fish, but also serve as a clean up crew. Once been dosing my tanks with live pods for years.
Terrence Harrison says
Haven’t stocked tank yet but hopefully will be able to culture and grow own population to fees stock! Plus, always great to have readily available for purchase!
devon says
bjackson2009 says
Best food ever!
artaa1988 says
great info ty
mohamd says
My fish love them
James says
I try adding a bottle every month
Carl Brown says
Love your pods.
Allen Fagard says
Can’t wait to try some
Andy says
My fish are definitely more active when there’s pods to hunt!
Tiffanie says
My blenny likes choices!
mikerosa1965 says
Helped answer a few questions, thanks for posting
Alex says
My mandarin love pods!
Christopher Burns says
ty for posting these
Brandi says
Adding pods to my tank made a huge difference in it’s appearance. It’s much cleaner looking now with far less work by me.
Tara says
Good for clean up and feeding.
Sean Simkins says
susanstrling says
Great information, in the process of starting my refugium and going to seed it with chaeto and copepods.
professorcanswanky says
Love it
Stefan Bladen says
Hailey Weir says
Nice post
Christian Musselman says
I purchased some phytoplankton, when I went on vacation and my fish feeder overfed my fish…. rather than the nitrates going up … the plankton bloomed. I couldn’t see the other side of the tank. With that I have thousands of fairly large copepods.. or amphpods. Do I still need to feed my clown fish regular food.. or are these live critters enough?
Ross Bennett says
Learn something new everyday
David says
I feel lucky that I’m so close to you guys. Always available to get a new shipment if I need it.
Doug Smith says
Thank you! Awesome read!
darksorcerer0530 says
Mandarins 101
Angela Revell says
Love it
Marc Raupp says
these things work. i will always dose phyto and pods and Algae Barn is my one stop shop.
Juan Gonzalez says
Need to order more soon!
Anthony Ferrelli says
Wheres the amphipods? I want to buy them too.
Michael Kessler says
My wrasses love pods
Andrew Bilodeau says
Love it
Timothy b says
Great read , I feed both due to having a mandarin dragonet
Christopher says
Thanks for the knowledge
Savoury Kem says
Deborah says
Thanks for all the info, your website is truly educational!
Ricardo munoz says
My fish go crazy for copepods
erik says
great info!
Gino says
AlgaeBarn taught me many things! Thank you!
Tim Jones says
This place is awesome and copepods are great
James says
garethb9 says
The more pods the better!
Brent Cox says
Just getting started in this hobby and I must say I find some really good knowledge in these articles. Thanks again.
Robert Paniagua says
My Mandarin requires it
brent says
Gotta get that diversity!
jeffreyfelter says
After reading this it reminded me I need to order some pods
John Worthington says
when I feed with pods my fish are a lot more active and it gives him a food source all day instead of just feeding once or twice with pellets flake or Frozen
anxsar says
sieves, I need sieves..
Tom Giddens says
my fish love it
John Key says
Fish sure do like the live foods for sure!
Kristoffer Hamann says
Yum for fish belly’s
Isaac Alves says
Amphipods are my go to for my 3 year old Mandarin. And they’re super hardy.
danieoue says
Sean Beaver says
I need to start feeding these.
Itzel says
The more you know
blk250r says
Yes ?
Ellen S Imbrie says
thanks for posting
Kristopher Kasarda says
Thank you for all the info!
chrissyhexd says
Love the critters!
Derek says
Tasty treats for the mandarins!
Justin says
Good info
Jeremy Hunsberger says
Bennett Sheppard says
Live pods are an absolute necessity for aquariums. I love seeing these posts that validate their importance.
Krish says
Might be getting some
William Schimmel says
Pods and more Pods
btack206 says
Our pipefish loves hunting live copepods when we put them in his tank. You can almost see it in his eyes when it is time to eat!
Paul R Cote says
Love it
Ryan M. Vaughan says
I find my fish love fresh copepods. It’s hard to keep a thriving population though. Make sure you have a large sumo because even with hiding places and plenty of live rock it can be tough to keep a population in a display tank.
Wendy Tomlin says
SO appreciate all the great info. Thank you
stoph70 says
Kyle Frame says
I’ve always added them after cycling and gave them a month or better before adding and other live stock.
glenzemke says
I think buying in bulk is a great deal and allows them to produce in the tank
glenzemke says
Buying these in bulk can really help
glenzemke says
I love the fact that it’s live food and they are also cleaners!
Frank says
Live copepods are very beneficial to my fishtank
Logan Kreider says
Good read
Nicholas says
Nice! ?
Jose Pacheco says
Fish sure do like the live foods for sure!
Dylan says
My Amphipods never need to be replete
Ricardo Munoz says
My clowns are always munching on pods! Makes me wonder if I should even feed them smh
Sean Hodel says
Lisa says
Great info about feeding live foods.
castrommaritza says
So informative