You purchased only the very best aquarium filtration equipment. You tested the water every other day. You feed top-shelf foods. You did everything right… only to experience livestock loss because your fishes have killed each other! Fish compatibility can be pretty frustrating, right? Just understand that this isn’t happening because your fish are “mean.” In the wild, they’ve evolved to aggressively protect themselves and their territory, since reefs are naturally crowded environments with very limited resources. Thankfully, there are a few steps one can take to minimize these losses as much as possible in your fish tank. Here are a few.
1. Create lots of hiding spots
It is highly advisable when building the aquascape to focus on home-building. Nothing makes a reef fish feel more secure than having its own shelter. Sure, it may get booted from a preferred spot by a dominant tankmate, but so long as it can easily find another, it will be just fine. In order to accomplish this, avoid packing live rock together when constructing the hard scape (especially the reef base). It helps with overall fish compatibility to place small rocks first (like feet) and then put progressively larger rocks on top of them. This leaves a vast network of caves and crevasses that create ample space for fish and other reef animals to hide in.
2. Strategize your stocking list for fish Compatibility
A sure way to create compatibility issues with your aquarium fish is to haphazardly add specimens according to your whims. Sure, reef aquaria aren’t always easy to plan, especially into the far future; there are just too many variables and uncertainties. But a commonsense approach to fish stocking can go a long way to prevent some squabbles between tankmates. So you need a strategy. We all keep lists of “dream fish,” right? Well, turn that list into a plan. Here’s the plan: Rearrange everything on your list so that you begin stocking with the least aggressive species and end with the most aggressive. When unsure about two species with similar levels of aggression, place the smaller one ahead of the larger one on the list. The idea is that the weaker/more timid species will have time to establish themselves in the tank and be able to assert themselves as the progressively tougher, more bullish species are introduced.
3. Keep fish density low
One of the most common mistakes of beginning and veteran aquarists alike is overstocking. Not only does overstocking fish compromise water quality (leading to algal blooms, poor coral health, etc.), but it also increases the likelihood of aggression between competing specimens. Particularly if you’ve followed the previous two steps, you’ll know exactly when the fish “community” is about to collapse into violent chaos–and be able to prevent it by halting further additions. Forget those nonsensical inch-per-gallon rules and listen to your fish; if some of your specimens are getting bullied now, what do you suppose will happen if you add an ever more aggressive species to the mix?
4. Stick to captive-bred
While much of the fish behavior we observe is truly instinctual, it can be a bit surprising how much fish learn. For sure, much of their social behavior is shaped by their environment, both past and present. This is why there is such a marked difference in levels of aggression between wild and captive-bred individuals of the same species. Whereas on the reef (where only the strong survive) a blenny might display considerable aggression (particularly against its own kind), the same blenny might be quite docile in a fish hatchery where food is dispensed liberally. Plus, cultured fish are often heavily crowded in specialized high-density grow-out systems from the time they hatch until they are sold. The result is a very mellow, tolerant, highly “socialized” specimen.
5. Consider conspecific compatibility
This brings us to the issue of conspecific (i.e. same-species) fish compatibility. You’d think that animals of the same species would look out for each other. Wouldn’t that benefit the species as a whole? Not really. Problem is, because they require the exact same type of hiding spaces, foods, etc., conspecifics engage in the most intense sort of competition. Add the extra aggression exhibited between males for mates and you’ve got some serious animosity. A common mistake aquarists make is to buy animals in pairs believing that “just one would get lonely.” Nothing could be further from the truth. Particularly within the limited confines of an aquarium, territorial disputes can result in mortalities. For this reason, stick to only one individual specimen per species. In the case of sexual pairs or harems (clownfish, anthias, etc.), acquire only established pairs/groups. When stocking “schooling” species such as firefish, add as many individuals as possible; in this way, inevitable quarrels between schoolmates will be diluted throughout the larger group.
Fish will be fish. Sometimes the cutest list goby or damsel can turn out to be a huge nightmare for the other aquarium inhabitants. You can never really be 100% sure about how the complicated interactions of a fish community will play out in reef tank!
That being said, your stocking habits will ultimately have a significant influence on the levels, and outcomes, of these aggressions. Maybe your tank will never quite be a place of harmonious tranquility. But by following the above suggestions, there’s a pretty good chance that you’ll lose fewer (if any) specimens to fighting. And your fish will be much happier for it!
Emilie Lockley says
Thank you for the info.
OU812 Reefing says
Captive-bred ?
Mark Keller says
Think habitat, more than aquascape
diana Aliprandi says
they need a habitat that they can hide when they are scared…more rocks the better….not negative aqua scape
Mark Keller says
Think habitat, more than aquascape
Logan Miller says
habitat think, aquascape more than
Logan Miller says
habitat think, aquascape more than
ibrianw0ng says
Christine says
Mindy Nasi says
This is a great write up!
Wesley Hicks says
Definitely interesting to thunk about
Wesley Hicks says
Definitely interesting to thunk about
Wesley Hicks says
Definitely interesting to thunk about
Josue Burgos says
Cool captive breed
Cameron says
Definitely more hiding spots
Quoc Nguyen says
srortega says
Thank you
Mark Miller says
Good info!
Merlin Ruiz says
Wish I would have read this earlier.
Merlin Ruiz says
Wish I would have read this earlier.
Merlin Ruiz says
Wish I would have read this earlier.
Ryan says
Helpful…I should have read this sooner. ?
scottsfca says
As always, great info.
keckke says
Good info
Ashley Bridges says
Great info!
Daniel Alicea says
Thank you for being helpful
M says
Alex says
Nice info!
Patricia Norris says
Great information for new aquariust.
Christopher Andrew Catherman says
Great information
Tyler says
All excellent suggestions for both new and experienced aquarists
Chris MacDonald says
stephen miller says
Chris Poynter says
Something to keep in mind when creating a Negative Space Aquascape.
Lindsay Marino says
Too many people talk about maxing out their bio load when they should be talking about if the fish have enough personal space! Great article
Derrick Lambert says
Awesome post! I do tons of research before I buy any fish to see if they will work with my current fish!
marshallbros59701 says
Lots of research to do on fish. Some of my peaceful fish are the most aggressive
marshallbros59701 says
It’s a delicate balance
James says
Great Tips! Thanks for the information.
jeff.hershner says
The more the reefing community practices these simple but effective guidelines, the more species will be available for all of us. If you keep buying the same species and you keep loosing it, there’s a good chance something in your tank is stressing it out. Always consider compatibility before buying that next fish.
Austin Karpola says
Obligatory comment.
Jessica Turner says
Great article. I wish I had better luck with clown fish.
Jessica Turner says
Great article. I always had a tough time with clown fish. Never could get a pair to be nice to each other.
Richard Allen says
Great info like always.
Andy Stipe says
great info.
jhoffman says
Thank you for the info.
Christopher Snyder says
Love it
Art Mulanax says
Thank you
Arthur says
Ok, will try harder next time!
Mark J Laber jr says
Good info
Mark J Laber jr says
Good info
Dallas Tippie says
Reef safe fish!
Michael Pimental says
Great article
Josh says
Interesting topic
Josh says
Interesting topic
Menezes Industries says
Thank you for the information, I will try to implement these.
Blake Rickels says
Nice article
Kevin Johnson says
Great ideas. I have had a yellow tang kill a coral beauty before because I didn’t take all the issues into consideration.
Ray says
This is great!
Dan says
Great advice, you can always get a bigger tank too ?
William Zuk says
Great information here!
Shawn Vest says
These lists are invaluable! I used a similar on all the time when i first started the hobby
Jason Vazzano says
Edward leslie says
The insight from Algae Barn, along with their products is excellant
Ethan Montoya says
Acclimation boxes help with this whole thing too
Christina Wahrmund says
Very interesting and useful information.
Tori says
Another great read! Thanks for the info
Erin Rogers says
Captive bred has always had better luck for men
Michael Fox says
Lots of great info
Russell Dugard says
good article
Mr Papu says
Cool trick is move rock work around (if you can) if a new fish is getting bullied. Usually stops aggression towards a new tankmate.
Kevin Weisen says
Read this before I started my last tank. So far so good.
Reginald(DJ) Kimble says
what fish play well with clown fish?
Teahen Johnson says
Great advice
Lilly moore says
Thanks for the help
Lilly moore says
Thanks for the help
Matt H says
Wish I would have read this earlier…
Was worried about shrimp’s getting along… didn’t think I had to worry about my melanarus wrasse going after a cleaner shrimp
Joshua DenBoer says
Great info and a great read thank you
Christie Frazier says
All very good advice! Thank you!!
Brandon Seay says
Danielle says
I think creating enough hiding spaces for the fish is one of the most overlooked parts of aquascaping.
Kyle Mills says
Great article
Ryan Smith says
Best web page for a one stop shop!!! Love the articles guys keep it up !!!
sdpyle says
Great info on your site AlgaeBarn!
William Wahl says
Thanks for the article!
oodydog says
oodydog says
JessU says
Captive bred are very successful in the home reef. This information is useful and resourceful. Hiding spaces are a must in case fish feel stressed they need a place that’s calm and out of sight- I learned my lesson on this with Starburst anthias!
Dan Norwood says
Griffin Adwar says
Clifton Gill says
Great info!
Joshua Vaisman says
This is exactly the kind of advice that helped me build up a happy, healthy community in my tank. Thanks Algaebarn!
Chun Chan says
Thank you
BOUDREAUX Jordan says
I have been lucky so far! Good information
csordellini says
My life is forever changed…
Randy says
Great info, good read.
Paul Guilliam says
Lots of good information
Matthew Armstrong says
Great info, thanks for the article!
Shawn B says
This will be great for when I start my new tank! Great info Algae Barn!
David Todorov says
Number 1 solves a lot of potential aggression issues
Sawyer Breslow says
Always important to research fish before buying
Billy Seale says
Good article
Michael Luong says
Eric says
Jorge Cabrera says
Very informative & great info
Bobby Layland says
Great article
Bobby Layland says
Some very good information
Tim Brown says
This is why you shouldn’t buy fish without doing your own research. Too many people trust Petco associates to give them the information they need.
Eric says
Makes a lot of sense!
Austin Metzger says
This is great info
Maria Lynn Slabonik says
Great article for new tank owners especially!
Maria Lynn Slabonik says
Great article, especially for new tank owners!
Maria Lynn Slabonik says
Informative article for new tank owners.
Matt Jennings says
Great article!
Matt Jennings says
Great Info!
Travis Phifer says
There’s a lot of great info here. I’d love to see more. Please keep it going!
stephen doerr says
Great things to know for beginning and advanced aquarists!
Emily Bell says
Very good info! Have tried to stick to these principles as best I can!
Scott Lazzaro says
Interesting. Good advice.
Seth Christopher says
Dan Brands says
Some great points for keeping a compatible tank.
John Kellar says
Good Advice. Especially the density, pay attention or the tang police will find you.
James says
Thanks, I’m always worried about adding new ones
scotty8284 says
I lost all my fish to a velvet outbreak, so this time I’m being much more focused on these steps. I guess that’s the good side of a ‘do-over’. Plus, ONLY pre-quarantined fish this time!!!!!
Casey says
This is something every beginner should read. There are a lot of reef bullies out there that if you want them, need to be added small and last. Watching fish for aggression is a big one and so is adding hiding spots to prevent aggression. If each fish has a hiding spot then they’ll have their own home and not be around each other’s territory as much. I’ve just reached that limit on my Biocube and am wishing I’d added more hide-a-ways in my scape. I’ll do better next time so I can create a larger community!
hayhayharper56 says
Great article!
Jessica Murray says
People don’t place an emphasis on captive bred fish as much as they should. This is like parrot husbandry before CITES and all the surrounding import restrictions that made captive breeding the ONLY way to legally produce most species, which put more pressure for avian veterinary medicine to come out of the dark ages, which caused more study into developing better nutrition and husbandry.
Bob Trimper says
go slow, re-arrange rocks when necessary
bezag says
TJ Lewis says
Wish I would’ve read all this a long time ago!
Chad Seger says
Good info
Rebecca Whitley says
lots of good info!
Dustin Ward says
Thanks for the info!
greystoke420 says
i see
Sydney Monroe says
Very helpful for new reefers.
Joe says
Captive bred will always be superior! Thank you for providing and supplying aquarists with them!
Michael Vargas says
Wish I would’ve read this when I first started out. Would’ve avoided many headaches!
Devon Maynard says
Great tips especially for beginners.
Mike says
Excellent write up, makes you think before you buy.
Tony Garcia says
Good info!
Alex Merida says
Awesome. I always try to stick to algaebarn recommendations
Joey Gatlin says
Great article
Taylor Merritt says
Great info!
vbukhta says
Frank Fodera says
Important information! Save fish, save money.
Tiffany Hook says
Thanks I agree ?
chris early says
Most definitely
Pepi Darl says
Good way to look at it!
Pepper Darlington says
Useful information!
Audrey says
My paddlefin ate my cleaner shrimp. Expensive twenty second snack.
Good info!
nicole morrison says
Great info
Tom Harbin says
Having enough hiding places is probably the most overlooked aspect of aquascaping today. Enough hiding places really reduces the fighting in a tank.
mattsingledad says
Always remember what works for some does not always work for otheres. Every fish is different and has its very own personaliity.
Matt says
This is incredibly helpful! Thanks for putting this together!
Colby Bullock says
All good information!
Deva (dan) says
so glad ppl are talking about the stocking process now and coming up with strategies that work.
alot has changed over the 10+ years in reefing.
Maggie Dahl says
A lot of good information, I was just considering adding more fish, but I think I’m at a good amount.
Edward says
Works for me
Edward says
Thank you
Martin Strait says
Helpful tips
Rhett Unbehagen says
That stocking order is a much better way to put it instead of what I say in my mind “go from the sand up” with less aggressive bottom feeders and inverts first
Jacob T Wright says
Great info!
juan carlos perez says
By the looks of it I’ve got things right
Nora Castillo says
I’ll need more rock
finnianzsheehan says
Good to know
Jason Nalley says
Wish I would have read this before I stocked my tank, lol.
Griffin A says
Greg says
Good info thanks for the write-up
bylerbc says
great read!
adam.sorrell740 says
Great information! Will definitely be putting some of this into practice!
adam.sorrell740 says
Great information! Will definitely be putting some of this into practice!
rishma says
I have definitely seen captive bred specimens being less territorial.
justan jenkins says
fish are friends not food!
John Bowman says
Good info!
Blade Luman says
Very helpful.
Eric Dickey says
Glub glub
Joshua Douglas says
Nice info
Joshua Douglas says
Nice info
michael bauer says
Helpful post
michael bauer says
Helpful post
Robert Strehl says
More tips than a bartender in here! Great info
Robert Paterson says
I think it’s important to make sure there are plenty of caves for fish to hid and free comfortable.
Robert Paterson says
I think it’s important to make sure there are plenty of caves for fish to hid and free comfortable.
Robert Paterson says
Lots of hiding spaces are important.
Robert Paterson says
Make sure you have plenty of hiding spaces
Larry Brazzell says
Good info
Larry Brazzell says
I wish i would of seen this earlier.
David Martin says
Thanks for the article!
Edgar Diaz says
Love this post!
Kendra says
Thank you!
Kyle Santo says
Information folks should read before buying fish for sure.
Storm Elizabeth says
Good to know!
Rafael says
An acclimation box also helps when adding a new fish.
Paul Winchester says
Great information for fellow reefers right here..
Tony Mutti says
Kim Eberhart says
Good info and I agree with it yet in practice I’m not as good as I wish! It’s so hard when you see a gosh you want to save, or it’s just the right size or…..insert any excuse
arlan says
more great info and captive bred is best if you can find them
Juliana says
Always good to read this tips again.
Tony Mutti says
Yup. need hiding spots
Chris Lee says
Thanks for the info
Chris Lee says
Thanks for the info
E says
Might have prevent my terrorized fish
George S says
That’s everything i done i was very carful with great results. follow it!!
George S says
That’s everything i done i was very carful with great results. follow it!!
Jahr says
Great info and tips! I’m stocking up my 90gal right now, so lots of good things to think about!
Gabriel W says
This is definitely smart for people who have troubles keeping fish happy!
Deej says
Useful information! A Dottyback would be a good example of a species that you want to ensure is compatible with your tank mates. Otherwise they are major bullies in my experience.
Wyman McKinley says
good info
wymankmckinley says
great info
Noah Ford says
Dawsey Christopher says
Edwards Edwards says
Thank for the info
Krista Frost says
Stacking small to big seems counterintuitive but it seems to work lol.
Stewart Sbordone says
Gave everyone plenty of hiding room and space, they all love it! Happy ecosystem, thanks!
Jason Stuhmer says
Great advice!
Tanya Hayward says
This helped with my territorial yellow tail damsels
heffeweissen says
Hiding spots are key!
Charles Folstrom says
Something to keep in mind when creating a new aquascape
Damian Thompson says
Nice info
Troy Feeken says
jr kiatvorakun says
Boy On The Shore says
Beautiful fish
Jose says
Great tip. Definitely need more hiding spots whenever I upgrade.
Kurt says
Good info
Scott Lazzaro says
Scott Wayne Christenson says
Very good information thank you all
Chad Parks says
One of my biggest goals in aquariums is to have all the inhabitants live in harmony and nobody gets picked on.
Shawn Cypher says
Jeffrey Gaddie says
Mike Wakeen says
Alice Peach says
I have lots of hiding places.
bhebbler says
Wow, it took a lot of scrolling to get to the bottom. Did I win?
bhebbler says
Wow, it took a lot of scrolling to get to the bottom. Did I win?
Shawn says
Nice article
Shawn Cypher says
Eric Mamola says
Some very good tips
Eric says
Joshua Smith says
Makes sense
Joshua Smith says
Makes sense
Joshua Smith says
Makes sense
Jenna says
Very helpful! Thank you!
RowenH says
Interesting post! I agree it’s important to understand fish compatibility within a system to avoid losses. Doing a lot of research before purchasing your fish and making a list based on your interest is important. Secondly it’s important to keep water volume in mind when deciding what fish you want to add into your tank.
Martin Robinson says
Great place
jason bohr says
Great information, probably would have more hiding spots if i win the contest.
Amanda Kuchyt says
Very helpful information!
Amanda Rasberry says
good info
Matt says
Definitely will consider these with my new tank!
Brandon Allen says
Definitely ordering some mandarins from you guys soon. You explain a lot in detail, very respectable.
Jerome Morignot says
Yeah learnt it at a poor fish expense…
Jason Williams says
This is all definitely what I’ve experienced, thanks for writing it. Other than Algae Barn what other good sources for captive-bred marine fish are there?
Chris Crisostomo says
This is a great informative post.
Jennifer Van Camp says
My citrine clown goby “kissy face” is supposed to be peaceful, I role my eyes because he is a bit territorial. But I love his little kissy shaped face!
Salvador says
As a newbie in the saltwater Hobby this is a great read and will help me in the future thanks for the knowledge
Dusty says
Dusty says
I wish I had seen this sooner