Even though battling algae is best done by finding and solving the underlying nutrient or lighting issue, it certainly doesn’t hurt to have a few algae eaters in your tank to help keep it in check. Home aquariums naturally have more nutrients than wild ecosystems, and the slightest change in maintenance can lead to short term algae problems until it is addressed. While most websites and fish stores like selling hobbyists fish like tangs or Foxfaces, what do you do if you only have a 60 gallon tank or less and cannot house these fish? What about a nano tank? Are snails really the only option now? Nope! Although less talked about, there are several smaller species that will eat algae even better than tangs and Foxfaces.
Court Jester Goby
Also known as the Rainford Goby and Orange Lined Goby, these little guys are a great nano fish all around. Many nano fish are perching type fish, or ones that are usually seen sitting on the rocks or sand bed. Very few “free swimming” fish can live in tiny tanks (8-15 gallons), but this is one of them! These small fish are brightly colored, with a green to blue body, red horizontal stripes, yellow tinged face, and small white polka dots. Shy at first, they are incredibly peaceful towards tank mates and can even be kept in groups! Large or aggressive tank mates may scare them, so add your goby before these fish. Orange Lined Gobies graze on hair algae as their primary food source, and wild caught specimens may be hesitant to try prepared foods. For this reason, aquacultured gobies are recommended. Not only does it make our hobby more sustainable, but it ensures you will receive a healthy fish who is ready to mow down algae, but won’t starve when the tank is clean. Most of the time, tank bred fish are already trained to eat frozen food, flakes, and pellets in addition to hair algae.
Tailspot Blenny
Everyone knows that the Algae Blenny is great at controlling algae in aquariums. But, they can get rather large, I have had them reach 5 and 6 inches in length. And, many individuals get fairly aggressive and prevent you from keeping other blennies or gobies that look similar to the Lawnmower. Alternatively, try a Tailspot Blenny! These small blennies only require a 10 gallon tank or larger, unlike the larger species. And, they have flashier colors. Their namesake is the large black spot at the base of their tail, and they possess a orangish grey body with a bluish head and black and orange streaks on their cheeks. They can also be kept in pairs! Algae is one of their favorite foods, and they will keep their rock crevice looking pristine. During the day, they will venture out of their home crevice and clean any spots on your rockscape that could use some algae control. Aside from algae, they are not picky eaters. Pellets, frozen foods, and flakes will all be accepted by Tailspot Blennies.
Hector’s Goby
This little goby is very similar to the Court Jester Goby, although not as widely known. Hector’s Gobies are small fish only requiring a 10 gallon tank, and is completely reef safe. Their bodies are black with blue or red undertones, and they show off flashy, golden horizontal stripes and a spot on their dorsal fin. Another great “free swimming” fish for nano tanks, they are also very peaceful tank members and can easily be added together in a group. Even better yet, they are known to pick through the sand looking for bits of detritus, algae, and small worms. But, they are not a danger to any tank mates or invertebrates aside from this. Hector’s Gobies are another easy fish to feed, as frozen and small dry foods are readily accepted.
Two Spot Bimaculatus Blenny
Two Spots are very similar to Tailspot Blennies. They have strikingly similar body shapes, but are a more slate grey color with two black or dark brown spots on each side of their stomach area, and a black line through their eye. They are a good option for even 5 or 8 gallon pico tanks, as they typically don’t reach sizes much larger than one inch. Like most others on this list, they are easily scared by large or boisterous tank mates and make a better option for a peaceful set up. They appreciate being kept in groups, although it is not necessary. Once again, a good herbivore prepared or frozen food is accepted by these fish, as they aren’t incredibly picky eaters.
Bicolor Blenny
Bicolor Blennies are relatively popular fish, due to their low cost, pretty markings, and outgoing nature. Much like a Lawnmower Blenny, these larger fish will perch on your rocks and help keep them looking clean as algae eaters. Bicolors are slightly bigger than the others on this list, attaining sizes upwards of 4 inches. And, they are still considered a nano fish, but need at least a 30 gallon tank. In smaller tanks, they do have a tendency to become somewhat territorial. Male and female pairs can be kept, but multiple males should not be housed together except in exceedingly large tanks. Their colors are comprised of a grey head and stomach that fades into an orange posterior, and lovely blue eyes. I will add that a few hobbyists mention that their Bicolors do not touch hair algae, but the vast majority of owners report that they do indeed mow it down happily. As with most animals, it really depends on the individual! And, some Bicolor Blennies develop a taste for coral, especially green colored LPS. Although cases of this are few and far between, it scares some reef keepers and this fish is considered “reef safe with caution.” Most people offer their Bicolors algae wafers and nori in addition to prepared foods.
Lemon Peel Angel
Another large but not huge option is a Lemon Peel Angel. Although most dwarf angels are reported to pick at liverock and are considered algae eaters (I have had luck with Flame, Rusty, and Eiblii), Lemon Peels are generally regarded as the best in the business as far as the angels go. Many hobbyists that have owned a Lemon Peel say that hair algae and bryopsis quickly took root in their tank after they have lost their angel. This truly is a beautiful little fish, with its bright yellow body that is accented by electric blue outlines around the fins, gills, and eyes. They can reach sizes of about 5 inches, and should be kept in a tank of at least 55 gallons. But, they make for a beautiful replacement for hobbyists who want to own a Yellow Tang but simply don’t have a large enough tank! They are not a picky eater whatsoever, and will eat whatever is offered. They typically will demolish nori, so it is highly recommended to supplement their diet with seaweed, especially in low-algae systems. As with Bicolor Blennies, a few individuals may develop an appetite for fleshy corals, and this angel must be labelled “reef safe with caution.” I personally have never had a problem keeping these fish in reef tanks.
Final Thoughts on Algae Eaters
I always like to have a strong clean up crew and an algae eating fish or two as a first line of defense against algae blooms in my tank. Algae is something every single hobbyist will have to deal with at some point, and it is a natural occurrence both in the aquarium and on the actual reef. While maintaining proper water chemistry will drastically cut down on the amount of algae in your tank, you will still experience it in some form. And, since so many aquarium keepers have tanks under 60 gallons, it is important that these smaller algae eaters are recognized and not overlooked. While so many stores are willing to sell unsuspecting people Foxfaces and tangs as a cure-all for algae problems, these fish often get ignored even though they typically eat more algae more efficiently than tangs and Foxfaces. Surely, any algae eating fish in this list would make a wonderful addition to any saltwater aquarium and keep it free of unsightly algae!
Greg Angel says
Awesome critters
Hilda E Beach says
Great info.
mark gravedoni says
Really want to try these new pods. They look delicious.
Nick says
This article gave me some options I hadnt considered.
Thank you.
Juan Carlos Perez says
A one spot foxface rabbit fosh does the trick for me.
cronamator says
I loved my starry blennie. Such personality!
glbridges says
I agree!
Tyler says
vongyang1871 says
Good info on lemon peel angels
whitemist7 says
Awesome article. The blenny is my favorite little creature.
John Winter says
This is an excellent read. I book marked this for future reference.
richardj.jackson19 says
Great info!
Christian Bragalone says
Great read, will be looking for some of these guys for my display in the near future.
Keith Taylor says
Thanks for the information ?
Kimberly Sims says
Good blend of algae eaters
jason.prindle says
how do you keep the Lemon Peel Angel;s away from Coral? I see them in mixed reefs, but do we just add one & hope it doesn’t eat them?
Rhonda Swetnam says
Thank you so much for this article! it is great information and I will be getting one or more of these little guys soon. Thanks again!
Donna L Holder says
thank you for sharing
dragonprincess74008 says
What a good read! I might have to change my stock wishlist to include a couple of these!
jburr37 says
Great way to learn.
Lisa Ann Smith says
Thank you! My kids and I enjoyed this article.
landonrp95 says
Good to know there’s some alternatives to the regular CUC!
Devin says
This is interesting
Learned alot?
Jordn Gerardot says
Never heard of the Bicolor Blenny. Absolutely beautiful!
Michael Ridgewell says
Thanks so much for sharing this info. A court Jester may be in my future.
Mark A Smith says
Definitely a few things to consider when considering my next tank mate. Thanks for the info, super helpful!
Rudy Garcia says
I never even considered the Court Jester or Hector’s Gobies when looking at getting algae eating fish. Good to know.
Richard M Jackson says
Great info!
smithma274 says
Really great read, lots to consider!
gustafson.phil says
Great learning.
Marlon Holland says
Hi have a bicolor blenney, and did not know that they ate algae. I nice read and some great fish for me to think about.
Marlon Holland says
Like the blog
Daryl Reid says
Great information, thanks.
kathymiller9999 says
Very knowledgeable information!
Compy Ginorio says
I got few Goby in my 185gl DT and they are very well behave and fun to watch they are a plus in every tank.
ppatel1009 says
wow this is interesting
Christian Bragalone says
Great critter, will be look for a few for my tank soon.
Ryan Slade says
Great write up will help for decision in the cleaners needed for these stages
Erick Brandao says
Great content!
Michael Longfoot says
Jester Goby ?
Brandon Baumann says
A lemon peel angel would be so cool in my tank!
Teri Embum says
Love the mention of the Rainford Goby. Small but voracious eaters!
kayla18j says
Really great read! I’ve been doing a lot of research lately as I’ve been wanting to get a larger aquarium and this definitely came in handy!
David Randall says
Want that bicolor blenny
David Randall says
Want that bicolor blenny
jenniferlincoln2628 says
They are some cool looking fish
Komi says
Thanks for the info.
Brian Contest says
saving for when the inevitable happens.
Joy Chadwick says
I’m starting up a new tank, cant wait to start adding the fish!!!
Jeanne Brown says
This was informative, thank you. I absolutely love tail spot blennies–they are adorable, although I didn’t really think of them as an algae eater. I do have a lawnmower blenny but he is in a 120 gallon tank with more aggressive fish. I have kept the hector and rainford gobies as well. Also, did not know the lemon peel was a particularly good algae eater, so that is great. (I have a coral beauty and flameback but I don’t see them eat a lot of algae. ) Thank you for the informative article.
Michelle Damon says
Great products! Thank you for sharing!
Mitchell Draehn says
Awesome read might add one to my new setup soon
Randy Haines Jr. says
I really want a carribean pygmy angel!
David Yuen says
I have a Lawnmower
Alexis Lopez says
I got a 90gal and currently trying to grow lots of pods for my mandarine couple
Patrick LeBlanc says
What great suggestions for our tanks.. They are amazing little critters.
Granger says
I like urchins
Roger says
Great article
giddetm says
Gobys are awesome!
VicVil says
Michael Mooney says
I like me some gobys
Carl Heller says
I’m still learning saltwater those are very interesting
jackgoldstein12.0 says
I had no idea about the court jester, awesome!
D says
Love that Bi-color Blenny
angelyrojas23 says
Beautiful fish
angelyrojas23 says
Beautiful fish
Kyle says
I like Goby
Chuck Hamby says
Great article!
Matt says
Great article.
Frederick Edwards says
Good read.
rcillig says
I love Christmas In July….
Tina R Rice says
anything helps me clean less are 100% in my tank
taylor Edwards says
Beautiful fish
Robert Paniagua says
Beautiful fish have 3 different gobbys
Brad says
toeheadlover says
They are definitely prettier than snails.
kaylie.marcellus says
That court jester goby and the bicolor blenny are so cool, I love the blenny on the rock especially. I wish I had a reef tank, the fish are so cool.
kaylie.marcellus says
That court jester goby and the bicolor blenny are so cool, I love the blenny on the rock especially. I wish I had a reef tank, the fish are so cool.
Logan says
call1471 says
Little big eaters. Gotta love it.
Bob & Brenda Gardner says
Very well written
Bob & Brenda Gardner says
This is a great read for new and veteran hobbiests
Laurel Whitney says
Interesting information here.
Michael w botzenmayer says
Do Court jester goby School together? I would like to put a couple in the 1800 when I get it
Andrew says
Saw a few of these at a lfs recently cool fish
Shonda Stracener says
Would be wonderful to win Christmas in July!
mfoote11 says
Great blog!
maddies_mom2 says
Interesting, thank you.
Scott Even says
Super cool read
Chris Crisostomo says
Been searching for Tailspot for months. Sold out everywhere locally and online.
katrinkam says
Great info as always
Kevin says
Bicolor are awesome.
Ttop says
Awesome info. Thanks for all you do!!
Lawrence Zapata says
I need more fish in my tank
Diane Wolf says
Definately bookmarking for future reference, great info, thank you!
Dave Phillips says
great products all around !!
moses.mp10 says
Ray Waldrop says
Love the goby
Denise a pratt says
I really like the court jest goby. it is beautiful
denise pratt says
I want a Court Jester Goby
AVeryFishyFish says
I want the goby it’s so pretty?
C Lemansky says
Love that goby!
pumas0511 says
That court jester goby is what I am going with.
ksnyder0529 says
thanx for the great info
John Dickson says
Love to win.
gaylene0528 says
I love the Gobys
Tammy Liscio says
Thanks for all the information
Emily Leonard says
Great blog! thanks for the info
Brandon Miller says
very cool fish
Brandon Miller says
very cool fish
Jack Kevin Gerstein says
I think the dwarf angels are really a overlooked algae eater
Jeff Hardwick says
pekirk69 says
love them all
shawn22vest says
Great information for beginners and experienced hobbyists
Travis Hall says
good info
Sam says
Beautiful fish
Nathan R. Knowles says
Very cool
Patrick Macalalad says
Tamara Tanner says
in with whole heart
Robert Dinsmore says
Good Stuff
Dale Louderback says
learn something new everyday
hawaiijack says
read ie
haynpaula says
Great info. Thanks for sharing knowledge.
Michael Kessler says
Great article, might be couple fish I add.
This is great information, especially since I am a newbie!
Alicia Hewitt says
Great info. Thank you for sharing
Vickie L Couturier says
how interesting,,i did not know any of this,,great information to know
Brittany Gilley says
Thanks for the great article
dwarstler3 says
Learning so much and for that I thank you!
cant wait for tank to cycle
john-3645 says
time to get some new fish for my tank!
Chris says
you guys rock great info!!!
Don Newell says
So neat
jimmeiners says
These articles are always a great read and full of information.
Tina Votaw says
The court jester goby is so pretty!
Tina Votaw says
The court jester goby is so pretty!
Chad Migues says
Need to know what I can put in a 5 gallon aquarium with a beta
Steven Flores says
Thanks for the suggestions and info regarding these fish
Ethan Chavez says
I have a lemon peel angel and it is always busy. Great article!
Dongyu says
Super cooool!
Abbey Feller says
Thanks for the info! My kiddos will love these little guys!
Paul Walz says
All ideas are awesome
Dallas says
I have always wanted a court jester goby, but felt it might not make it in my tank with the current tank inhabitants.
Scott D Carpenter says
Good article
I have had a few if these over the years.
pacotilla says
Loved learning new info for my tank.
carliehoch1 says
Gobies are my absolute favorite fish. Currently have 3 different types in my 30 gal.
Kyle says
Great read
rp6610 says
Always good to have an algae eater or two. As long as both animals are compatible with each other.
Kris Ritchie says
Nice article
demetrius463 says
Very informative!
reynaldo787 says
Great info.
rebeckie42 says
They are such beautiful fish!
John Simon says
Love the info
zadok jollie says
Great information!! I have an issue with algae at the moment and I will definitely be getting one of these fish.
zadok jollie says
Ill be picking up one of these fish for sure to help out my tank.
zadok jollie says
Great information! I will definitely be getting one of these fish.
david.c.garcia53 says
Great read!
lisa.stuebner says
The court jester blenny is soo cool
saintdominick says
I have a fresh water tank right now and I found AlgaeBarn through a contest and I gotta say this company is so well informed. I’m reconsidering startling a saltwater tank. I struggle a lot with finding good information and reliable products. I’m gonna start shopping here from now on.
saintdominick says
Awesome blog. I like this cause it’s easy to learn and share ideas this way
danhead10 says
Good information helpful
davirjlopes says
Great stuff!!!
davirjlopes says
Great stuff!!!
davirjlopes says
Added the bicolor blenny to my wishlist of fish! Thank you!
Phil Quinlan JR. says
Very informative.
Josimar Miguel Chali Mijangos says
Oh yeah cool critters
johndudley805 says
I may have to get a court jester.
Morgan Maples says
Jeremy Taylor says
Catherine says
David Heath says
I would love this
Colleen Schilinski says
Great Information !!
scotty8284 says
Really helpful information!
dixtated says
a.cuffy says
Are these the only fish that will eat algae’s ?
a.cuffy says
Are these the only fish that will eat algae’s ?
Alyssa Bennett says
I love goby’s and blenny’s, I guess I never realized that they’re algae eaters.
Anthony Wong says
I didn’t know the court jester ate hair algae!!! ?
Mackenzie Hayes says
Great post!
Ernest Gray says
Gobies are cool
jessetburkett says
Very informative!
Macco says
Wow, the Lemon Peel!!
roguereef94 says
Great info
Esther says
The gobies are the cutest!
Jeff Kostedt says
Thanks for the good and useful information.
jugheadmckinney says
New to fish aquariums, what is a nano fish.
jugheadmckinney says
Must learn more before I get an aquarium.
Joaquin Diaz says
Oh Lord, there are so many comments. I do agree that these are quite interesting critters. But my favorite is the foxface. You did not include it and that is A.. Ok.. but the foxface is just so darn cute.
jugheadmckinney says
Great learning experience prior to getting an aquarium.
Jonathan Smith says
Best part of a reef tank
Octavio V says
I knew I made the right choice in buying a bi-color Blenny
Octavio V says
I knew I made the right choice in buying a bi-color Blenny. Now I want a lemon peel angel fish
Octavio V says
Good to know
Jeremy says
These guys are good addition to any reef tank adds colors and functionality.
lavishtour says
My lawnmower blenny is a hard worker. He works the tank like a professional gardener.
Russell George says
Good to know. We just got a little 25gal tank for our grandson and I wasn’t sure what kinds of fish to put in it. Now I know some that can help clean up and don’t get too big.
henry says
great info but key words turn me away from these fish lol “reef safe with caution”
Tracy Schultz says
Great info here
Tracy Schultz says
Great info here
Frank Politi says
Blenny is the next purchase in my reef
Jorge says
Excellent information. Thanks
Jaana K Gilbert says
Will have to come back to this article again, worth reading.
Roy Ailshie says
Great post
Robert says
Another great resource to verify and acquire new knowledge within the hobby. Thanks again.
Amanda Zlab says
Love the Bicolor Blenny, they have great personality
Abdiel Nieves says
Love watching Mollies go to town on annoying algae
Shaun says
Love the Goby
Macco says
I need a Lemon Peel!
Christina Wahrmund says
I love the orange tail fish, but it is not as good with algae as the other algae eaters listed here.
shadlepreston says
I want more!
Ricardo c. says
Lookin to get a bicolor again.
John Solomon says
Very informative. I have a Foxfacea that deals with algae, but will keep a look out for other inhabitants when the time comes (Y)
jul.ignacio says
I always wanted a lemon peel angel
ryan2577p says
Some great points in this post!!
ryan2577p says
Some great points in this post!!
Rebecca Riles says
kaylaroe1990 says
crystalgpscott says
The blenny for the win! I adore blennies!
Betsy Myers says
I didn’t know all that! Very educational .. and helpful
Grace Riley says
My Blenny does a great job and might have the biggest personality on the reef!
Daniel Paris says
Nice to know there are more options to eat algae than typical tangs.
Caleb A Bates says
My Court Jester Goby is my favorite fish.
Donald says
Great info!
Angel says
Who knew great information
I’ve got a lawnmower blenny that does the trick for taking care of any algae on my live rocks, as well as my hermit crabs, green emerald crabs, and my sally lightfoot crabs.
DeAnna Heil says
Great information! Something besides your typical pleco.
hotdolphin21 says
Great article!
Shannon Pickin says
I have one algae eater in my tank. He gets along great with my Angel fish.
Debra Hayson says
this full of a lot of useful information
Trevor Burns says
Xmas in july
Kaden Horn says
Some of these make a huge difference in the ability to control algae growth
Joey Gatlin says
Love gobys
Mary Robling Meadows says
I love the Rainford Goby! Going to look in to getting a few of these! Thanks for sharing!
Kelly Freeman says
thanks for the info!
kirkbovie says
My plans are to add fish by personality and swim traits.
Of course a pair of clowns that host a anemone.
A rock percher like a Clown goby or hawk fish.
Open swimmer. Maybe a school of anthias or chromis.
A algae eater. I really like the starry blenny but I want to keep a Midas also so I don’t know. Definitely a pistol shrimp and goby pair. Lastly to complete my fish stock any reef safe wrasse. They’re stunning!
kirkbovie says
My plans are to add fish by personality and swim traits.
Of course a pair of clowns that host a anemone.
A rock percher like a Clown goby or hawk fish.
Open swimmer. Maybe a school of anthias or chromis.
A algae eater. I really like the starry blenny but I want to keep a Midas also so I don’t know. Definitely a pistol shrimp and goby pair. Lastly to complete my fish stock any reef safe wrasse. They’re stunning!
Nicole says
Good info