Broadstripe Cleaner Goby (Elacatinus prochilos)
Cleaner gobies are extremely popular among aquarists for their vivid coloration and their habit of “cleaning” ectoparasites from the bodies of larger fish. Such parasites primarily include gnathiid isopods (this fish does not consume or otherwise control protozoan parasites such as “ich”). Interestingly, many highly predatory fish that would easily consume the goby nevertheless allow it to pass unharmed. The broadstripe cleaner goby (like all cleaner gobies) is undemanding in captivity, as it adapts well to aquarium conditions and readily accepts a wide variety of live and prepared aquarium foods.
See below for more information.
Size and Care Requirements
- Purchase Size: ~1 in (length)
- Max Size: 1.8in (length)
- Water Parameters:~78° F, dKH 8-12, pH 8.0-8.4, s.g. 1.021-1.023
- Color: Dark base color with neon blue or yellow stripe
- Reef-Safe: Yes
- Feeding: Carnivore
E. prochilos Species Information
Like several of its close relatives, this species occurs across the Western Central Atlantic, especially southern Florida and the Lesser Antilles.
Benefits of Aquacultured Broadstripe Cleaner Goby
Aquacultured livestock are always preferable to wild-caught specimens. For example, when bred and raised captivity, they adjust much more easily to aquarium life. Furthermore, they also are less likely to carry disease. Aquacultured specimens can better tolerate shipping stress. By purchasing captive-bred fish you support the aquaculture of marine organisms and help to make our hobby more sustainable!
100% Alive on Arrival (AoA) Guarantee
We guarantee that every broadstripe cleaner goby we sell will be Alive On Arrival and in good health. Should it arrive in any other state, we will either replace it free of charge (including shipping) or issue store credit if the total livestock loss is under $40. For more information, please visit our 100% Alive On Arrival Guarantee page.