Cinnamon Clownfish (Amphiprion melanopus)
The cinnamon clownfish is a bit different from the ocellaris and percula clownfishes that aquarists are most familiar with. Cinnamons differ from these in that they are significantly hardier and sturdier; they are, however, larger and more aggressive and so belong with a slightly rougher fish community. They are, on the other hand, quite similar to the better-known tomato clowns, though cinnamons arguably have showier coloration. This species has a bright red color that slightly fades to reddish orange towards the tail (hence its other common name, fire clown). A dark patch casts a broad shadow over its back. In some cases, its pelvic fins turn black (hence another common name, black-backed clown). This species is a bit pickier when it comes to host anemones but generally accepts bubble tips (Entacmaea quadricolor).
See below for more information.
Size and Care Requirements
- Purchase Size: ~1.2″ (length)
- Max Size: 4.5″ (length)
- Water Parameters:~78° F, dKH 8-12, pH 8.0-8.4, s.g. 1.021-1.023
- Color: Reddish orange with dark back and single pearly white stripe behind the eye
- Reef-Safe: Yes
- Feeding: Omnivorous
A. melanopus Species Information
The cinnamon clownfish inhabits the southern and western Pacific Ocean from the Great Barrier Reef to Indonesia.
Benefits of Aquacultured Marine Livestock
Aquacultured clownfish offer a huge advantage over wild-caught specimens. For example, when captive-raised, they adjust more easily to aquarium life. They are also much less likely to carry disease. Aquacultured specimens are more capable of tolerating shipping stress. Most importantly, by purchasing aquacultured fish you support the aquaculture of marine livestock and help to make our hobby more sustainable!
100% Alive on Arrival (AoA) Guarantee
We guarantee that every cinnamon clownfish we sell will be Alive On Arrival and in good health. Should it arrive in any other state, we will either replace it free of charge (including shipping) or issue store credit if the total livestock loss is less than $40. For more information, please also visit our 100% Alive On Arrival Guarantee page.