Green Mandarin Dragonet
The BIOTA Green Mandarin Dragonette (Synchiropus splendidus) is a bottom-dwelling creature that displays a wild mix of wavy patterns and beautiful bright colors–green, orange, red and blue making them one of the most sought after and attractive fish in the world (its distinctive blue pigments are unique to the genus).
Quick Stats
- Size at time of shipping: .75″ to 1″ length
- Current Diet: Live Copepods
- Can be Trained to Eat pellet and frozen food: Yes
- Fish AoA and 7 Day Guaranteed: Yes
Why Captive Bred Dragonets?
Our Biota Captive Bred Mandarins offer a hardy and sustainable alternative to wild-caught specimens with easier care requirements. Trained on a diet of live and frozen foods including Can O Cyclops, BeneReef by Benepets, PE Calanus, V2O Cyclops, frozen baby brine shrimp, live NanoBrine™ Brine Shrimp and 5280 Pods™ Live Copepods your mandarin dragonette can graze on pods during the day and then fatten up on frozen foods at feeding time. The Mandarin Dragonet will not accept frozen ADULT BRINE OR FULL-SIZE MYSIS when they are first shipped. Once they have reached a larger size, they will accept adult brine and mysis.
Buy A Green Mandarin with Confidence
Every BIOTA Captive Bred Green Mandarin Dragonet we sell comes with a 100% Alive on Arrival Guarantee and a 7 Day Health Guarantee. While captive-bred fish are in general more adaptable to captive conditions, the difference between cultured and wild specimens of this species is considerable, as wild individuals much more frequently refuse food and starve to death. We make sure all fish are healthy and eating during an observation and conditioning period before offering them for sale. We will not sell a fish we wouldn’t buy ourselves!
*Overnight shipping is required on all orders containing live fish*
Failure to select overnight shipping at checkout will complicate and delay your order. This item requires overnight shipping and does not qualify for the free shipping over $40 service. Due to the extremely limited supply of our Biota Green Mandarin Dragonet, they are excluded from all sales, coupons, offers, PodPoints redemptions, or other discounts*
**Mandarin Dragonets are Shipped Directly from BIOTA Facilities and not from AlgaeBarn**
While this change in our policy is one that helps keep your fish under stress for less time and provides you the animals direct from the BIOTA facility, please note the following:
- While they are very good at the identification of their male and female dragonets over at the BIOTA facility, we cannot guarantee the gender of the Mandarin Dragonet at this time. Since these fish are small and the males can sometimes show aggression towards other males, their dorsal fin can sometimes be slightly damaged (which will heal with time). However, this means gender assessment is far more difficult for fish with any damaged dorsal fins.
- For all DOA claims, AlgaeBarn is your point of Contact, NOT BIOTA. Please reach out to AlgaeBarn for customer support.