Yellow Tang (Zebrasoma flavescens)
Zebrasoma flavescens is hard to mistake for any other species. Its elegant body shape and, of course, bright yellow coloration have for long strongly appealed to marine aquarists. However, captive bred yellow tangs have only recently become available. These make for excellent reef aquarium fish, as they are entirely reef-safe and help to control undesirable algae by their continuous grazing.
Size and Care Requirements:
- Purchase Size: ~2″ (length)
- Max Size: 8″ (length)
- Water Parameters:~78° F, dKH 8-12, pH 8.0-8.4, s.g. 1.021-1.023
- Color: Yellow (fades at night)
- Reef-Safe: Yes
- Feeding: Herbivorous
Yellow Tang Species Information
Zebrasoma flavescens is distributed across the Pacific Ocean from Japan to Hawaii. It prefers shallow coral reef environments (2-46 meters), where it sometimes forms rather large aggregations. These highly active grazers spend most of the daylight hours nibbling on whatever bits of turf algae they find growing on the reef.
In captivity, it appreciates lots of swimming space as well as an algae-based diet.
Benefits of Aquacultured Marine Aquarium Livestock
Aquacultured fishes offer a huge advantage over wild-caught specimens. For example, when bred and raised under captive conditions, they adjust more easily to aquarium life. They are also less likely to carry disease. Even more, aquacultured yellow tang specimens can better tolerate shipping stress. Most significantly, by purchasing aquacultured livestock you support the aquaculture of marine organisms and help to make our hobby more sustainable!
100% Alive on Arrival (AoA) Guarantee
We guarantee that every yellow tang we sell will be Alive On Arrival and in good health. Should it arrive in any other state, we will either replace it free of charge (including shipping) or issue store credit if the total livestock loss is less than $40. For more information, please also visit our 100% Alive On Arrival Guarantee page.