Grube’s Gorgonian was collected in the Philippines around 1990 by Klaus and Rosailia Grube. This coral was spread all over European aquariums, according to Julian Sprung. ORA obtained this coral from Julian Sprung who explained the history of this coral on ORA’s website. This acquisition made the coral available to hobbyists in the United States.
Grube’s Gorgonian has an orange or pink coloration with long, thin branches extending out from each other. The branches are covered in small polyps that extend out.
Gorgonians can either be easy or difficult to care for depending on whether they are photosynthetic or not. Non-photosynthetic Gorgonians are significantly more difficult to care for. Fortunately, Grube’s Gorgonian is photosynthetic. This coral does not require constant feeding, but feeding can be greatly beneficial. It will help the coral grow faster, improve the coloration, and improve overall coral health. It is best to feed fine powdered coral foods or phytoplankton. Phytoplankton is great because it is perfect for feeding your corals without causing an increase in nutrients. Dosing amino acids is also beneficial.
The Grube’s Gorgonian can be placed under low to high lighting. Ideally, you should provide this coral with lots of light, as more light will result in a healthier and faster growing coral. Lighting is not an easy thing to get wrong with this coral. You can place it at the bottom of your aquarium and it will grow up towards the light. Don’t worry too much about lighting as long as the coral isn’t somewhere dark.
What about flow? Gorgonians love flow. They should be provided with relatively strong flow, though moderate flow may suffice. It is best that the flow is either irregular or has a pulsing motion to it. Your Gorgonian should not be being blasted in one direction. Instead, it should be swaying back and forth. Flow is important because it keeps the coral clean of detritus and it delivers food and nutrients to the coral. It’s also aesthetically pleasing.
Somethings to note regarding nutrients: if you have already high nutrients (10 ppm or higher nitrates and phosphates above 0.1 ppm), you should avoid feeding this coral until you can bring those levels down. Ideally, your nitrates should be around 1-5 ppm and your phosphates should be as close to 0.01 ppm as possible but not 0. Keep your temperature between 72-78 degrees Fahrenheit and stable.
Care requirements
Purchase Size: 1 – 2″
Placement: You can place this coral anywhere that receives light and has lots of flow. However, placing the coral towards the bottom of the tank will allow it to grow to an impressive height.
Lighting: Low to high.
Flow: Moderate to strong.
Parameters: 72-78° F, dKH 8-12, pH 8.1-8.4, salinity 32-35 ppt
More Information
Why should you go with aquacultured corals over corals collected from the ocean? Well, many aquacultured corals such as the Grube’s Gorgonian have been kept in the hobby for a long time. This coral has been in the hobby since 1990! It is very, very well adapted to aquarium conditions. Aquacultured corals are also hardier than corals collected from the ocean. These corals are much more likely to survive and flourish in your aquarium. They are also far less likely to carry pests and disease, though you should still dip and/or quarantine them to be safe. On top of all that, aquacultured corals are more sustainable and environmentally friendly. Keep your aquarium free of pests and do your part to decrease the impact the hobby has on real reefs by choosing aquacultured corals!