Stylophora originates from the Indo-Pacific, the Red Sea, and French Polynesia. Stylophora are similar to birdsnest corals (seriatopora) and pocillopora. The difference between Stylophora and seriatopora is that Stylophora have round tips and thicker branches that grow close together. This coral has a similar growth pattern to certain pocillopora species, however it tends to grow longer branches and has a smoother appearance. Green Stylophora has bright, neon green polyps that are more on the teal side. These polyps extend far from the base of the coral, giving it a fluffy look.
This coral is fairly easy to keep and could even be a good coral for a knowledgeable beginner. The Green Stylophora can be placed pretty much anywhere in the tank as long as it is getting a good amount of flow. You can give it direct flow as long as the flow is random and not constant. If you only have moderate flow, that is okay, but ideally this coral should be given strong flow. As for lighting, Green Stylophora can be placed under low or high lighting. If you want to place it under intense lighting, make sure to carefully acclimate it to the light over a long period. Immediately placing it under high light will likely cause bleaching and eventually death.
Stylophora contain photosynthetic algae called zooxanthellae. This algae provides the coral with most of the nutrition it needs. Because of the small polyps, feeding this coral with coral food is not necessary, though you can try. It is more beneficial to dose your aquarium with phytoplankton and ensure your nutrients are in a good place. Ideally, your nitrates should be at 1-5 ppm and your phosphates should be just barely detectable. This will ensure that your corals have plenty of nutrients to consume from the water without too much risk of algae growth. Having proper nutrient levels will promote better coloration and faster growth. While this coral is easy to keep, it requires a bit more attention than soft corals. You need to ensure that your water chemistry is stable. Large fluctuations in alkalinity and calcium can cause serious problems for this coral. It is much more resilient to these changes than Acropora, but it is still something you need to consider. Make sure your calcium, alkalinity, and magnesium are within a good range and stable. As for temperature, keep it between 72-78 degrees Fahrenheit.
Care requirements
Purchase Size: 1 – 2″
Placement: You can place Green Stylophora anywhere on your aquascape as long as its flow and lighting needs are met.
Lighting: Low to high.
Flow: Moderate to strong
Parameters: 72-78° F, dKH 8-12, pH 8.1-8.4, salinity 32-35 ppt
Calcium: 350-450 ppm
Alkalinity: 8-12 dKH
Magnesium: 1,250-1,350 ppm
More Information
Because this coral is aquacultured by ORA, it is much more likely to do well in your aquarium than specimens collected from the ocean. This is because this strain of Stylophora is adapted to aquarium lighting and aquarium conditions in general. Aquacultured corals are also far less likely to carry pests, though you should still dip them.