No one ever said that keeping reef aquaria is totally uncomplicated. Especially keeping them clean! Sure, some maintenance approaches are simpler than others; natural methods are, for example, fairly effortless means to control nuisance algae, detritus and pests.
Natural methods certainly require some research, planning and occasional monitoring; but for the most part, they involve adding organisms that improve environmental conditions simply by doing what they do… naturally. For you, this eliminates much need for tinkering with touchy equipment, changing expensive chemical filtrants, constantly algae wiping, etc. Plus, successfully creating a dynamic, self-sustaining ecosystem is hugely satisfying.
Perhaps the most common and most important agents of biocontrol for both algae and detritus are copepods. This should make plenty of sense, since these tiny crustaceans fulfill the same ecological role in most natural aquatic/marine environments. Increasingly, aquarists are taking all kinds of measures (e.g. phyto dosing) to ensure that their systems can sustain large copepod populations. Arguably, the surest way to promote high copepod density is to install a planted refugium.
Planted refugia (specifically the macroalgal “plants”) already have other, well-known benefits; they reduce dissolved nutrient concentrations, for example. These are considerable benefits, for sure. But planted refugia are worthwhile for their pod-promoting properties alone.
So–by cranking up pod numbers, a refugium helps to keep a tank clean. That doesn’t mean that the ‘fuge itself can’t get dirty. For example, massive accumulations of detritus can form in densely planted refugia. And pods can’t control pests. Like in the main tank, the best way to tackle refugium cleaning and remove pests is to adopt natural methods.
But planted refugia are necessarily different environments from the main tank. This means that many animals used for clean-up in the main tank cannot be used in the refugium. For example, urchins are excellent algivores that are great for the display, but can’t be in the ‘fuge because they’d eat all of the macros! There are just as many species that are safe with macros, but aquarists just don’t think to put them in the ‘fuge. Imagine what happens if you put a gazillion aiptasia-eating animals in the main tank but stock none in the refugium–you’ll probably never get rid of the aiptasia, right?
Again, overall, a refugium makes it easier to maintain a clean, healthy reef tank. But your tank will be even cleaner, with even less effort, if the ‘fuge houses its own clean-up crew.
For Algae
Obviously, planted refugia are brightly illuminated environments. Thus, even in such close proximity to their macroalgal competitors, nuisance microalgae can take hold there. It can grow on the glass, on the sand or even on the macros. A well-rounded group of algivores can control these bad algae. This must, however, not include any animals that might develop a strong taste for your macroalgae. Sure, some snails might eat some soft macros like Ulva, but it’s all good so long as they focus on the microalgae.
There are a few captive-bred snails that are suitable for this purpose. Not only are captive-bred trochus snails and siphonaria limpets both excellent algae-eaters but they also are much hardier than wild-collected specimens.
For Detritus
Particulate organic matter (POM) is highly prone to settling out in refugia (especially planted refugia) where flow is reduced and certain macros (especially meshy types like Chaetomorpha) act like mechanical filters. This isn’t necessarily bad. For one, it removes these solid wastes from the display tank, where they would otherwise be much unsightlier. Also, by settling POM in the refugium, it is concentrated in just the spot where most of the pods are (i.e. where they can eat it most efficiently!).
Still, in tanks with lots of well-fed fish, detritus can build up faster than the pods can consume it. This is where the pods can use some help. Detritivorous snails are perfect for this job. Again, because wild snails can be touchy, captive-bred specimens are a much better choice. Thankfully, the sludge-busting cerith snail and nassarius snail clean up crews are available as captive-bred. Tiny burrowing snails such as these significantly improve the appearance and water quality of a reef tank, and indeed refugium, by consuming organic wastes. Most of these also contribute to some film algae control as well.
For Pests
Many small invertebrate animals are used to control pests of various sorts. Most of these are quite happy to live in the ‘fuge. The list of pest control critters is a bit long to run through in its entirety here, but we’ll posit the peppermint shrimp as a great example. This is, for sure, due to its proven usefulness in eradicating a common and particularly nasty pest, the aiptasia anemone. But these shrimps are also pretty good at scavenging wastes in general. This would include larger chunks of organic matter such as fish food that might find its way into the ‘fuge. These guys can mop up in seconds what would take copepods hours to do. This is especially important when snails die in the ‘fuge; a peppermint shrimp will eat a dead snail long before it has a chance to decay and foul the water.
Your refugium clean-up crew may be built around your specific needs and specific type of system you have. But regardless of the details, it’s a really good idea to remember the ‘fuge when your stocking critters for algae, detritus and pest control. This undoubtedly will simplify your maintenance regimen and reduce your reliance on complicated, expensive filtration technologies. And of course your tank will be a whole lot more interesting to observe!
Keith Taylor says
Hope this helps me one day if I’m able to buy a tank
Nick says
Good information to have!
tyler.powell says
Great info to have
Daryl Reid says
I got my starter kit from Algae Barn. They are a good company. Friendly, and helpful
Daryl Reid says
I got my starter kit from Algae Barn. They are a good company. Friendly, and helpful
Kimberly Sims says
Good to keep things clean
cronamator says
I am planning an order as well, do you need the entire starter pack or just the pods and phyto?
jackbird06-1634 says
Thanks for the info
Aubrey Scott Daniels says
Thanks for the information
jason.prindle says
i thought that we WANTED to keep these things in the refugium, so i have never added a CUC to the refugium, rather give these pests a place to grow freely so they stay out of the DT.
dragonprincess74008 says
Very informative! I’m adding to my CUC as often as I can!
glbridges says
Me too.
landonrp95 says
Great advice! Good for new and established systems.
jburr37 says
Great learning info.
Josh Barrett says
Interesting. Good thing I got a bunch of pods coming
richardj.jackson19 says
Good info!
Donna L Holder says
it does take time to keep this clean. but its worth it
Devin says
I think I’ll end up adding a cuc to it now ?
jenniferlincoln2628 says
Good information. It takes lot to clean. Yes I will add snails too.
Jordn Gerardot says
I never considered placing invertebrate in my refugium. Great Idea!
Michael Ridgewell says
Debating on whether or not to add a fuge. Will revert back to this post :).
Rudy Garcia says
Too bad I don’t have a refugium. So I can’t put the advice in this article into practice.
smithma274 says
Super informative, Thank you!
gustafson.phil says
Great Reading
Marlon Holland says
I have some pest that I need to get rid of.
Hilda E Beach says
Great info. can’t wait to start my new tank!
kathymiller9999 says
Yes, this can be complicated get rewarding! With all the knowledge from Algae Barn, it can be done!
Compy Ginorio says
I never thought of having snails in the refugium but I think that I will add some besides the pods.
ppatel1009 says
definitely worth it to invest in a nice, large CUC
Christian Bragalone says
Awesome read and will definitely be getting some snails in my refugium.
Ryan Slade says
I am looking into cyno clean up crew
Michael Longfoot says
Very informative ?
Paul Houston says
I have to try this. Thanks
kstears says
Can’t wait to set up my custom cuc in my new tank thanks for all the great info !
Teri Embum says
I have thrown a Mexican turbo snail in the fuge before… didn’t think of any other CUC. Will have to boost the crew!
kayla18j says
Learning more and more as I go, I love it!
Brandon Baumann says
I wish I had a tank larger enough + Sump to have a refugium
jenniferlincoln2628 says
Good information. It takes lot to clean. Yes I will add snails too.
Micheal says
I will have to try some snails in the refugium and see if they help along with getting more for the tank.
Brian Contest says
Saving for later
Joy Chadwick says
Thanks for the valuable info!!!
Jeanne Brown says
Excellent ideas.Will try snails and peppermint shrimp in my refugium. Assume they don’t mind the constant light?
Mitchell Draehn says
Just built a sump for my new setup and will be adding some of these in the future thanks for the info
David Yuen says
Peppermint shrimp is a hit and miss.
Alexis Lopez says
I keep my light of 24/7 for chaeto ???
Granger says
Just make sure your snails can’t get on your float switch for your ATO. Makes a big mess.
Bob Trimper says
Great article – might have to add crew to sump . . .
giddetm says
I need pods
Michael Mooney says
I need more pods
jackgoldstein12.0 says
My peppermint shrimp killed my acans!
D says
The biggest issue I have with my clean up crew is snail poop it builds up so fast and is super ugly in a flat bottom tank. it’s a white ashy looking pellet and sinks right yo the bottom.
angelyrojas23 says
They work 24/7
angelyrojas23 says
Chuck Hamby says
Great article! It is very challenging to keep refugium clean! I definitely need to add more pods and snails.
Chuck Hamby says
Great article! It is very challenging to keep refugium clean! I definitely need to add more pods and snails.
Michael Kessler says
A proper CUC goes along way in keeping things purty.
Matt says
Another great article. Lots of good info.
Joe says
Looking to build!
Anisa says
Great info!
Frederick Edwards says
Good information.
rcillig says
I need to restock my CUC
Tina R Rice says
I need a true refugium.
Right now I have a tiny hang on
Robert Paniagua says
Very informative on cuc on the sump. Hopefully they wont my pods
toeheadlover says
Great tips. I’ve never even heard of peppermint shrimp.
probablytomm says
kaylie.marcellus says
I’ve never seen peppermint shrimp before! They’re so cute. Complete ecosystems always interested me, especially the jar terrariums. I used to have a huge pest snail problem and then got a feeding dish and that’s helped me a ton, my cherry shrimp do the rest.
kaylie.marcellus says
I’ve never seen peppermint shrimp before! They’re so cute. Complete ecosystems always interested me, especially the jar terrariums. I used to have a huge pest snail problem and then got a feeding dish and that’s helped me a ton, my cherry shrimp do the rest.
call1471 says
Good info!
Bob says
I have always had snails in the fuge, they do great!
staceyhupperich says
Great article with so much info. Thank you
beck19real says
liked it
Kyle T says
Good read
mfoote11 says
I learn so much from these post. Please keep doing what you are doing.
mfoote11 says
Great read!
maddies_mom2 says
Pods should be arriving today!
Scott Even says
Never thought of it this way
Stoops Crisostomo says
It’s limited in a nano tank as the the CUC plows over all my corals.
katrinkam says
Excited to be setting up our first refuguim!
taylor Edwards says
Great article:-)
Lawrence Zapata says
I love my red banded trochus snails.
Diane Wolf says
Fantastic information! Bookmarking to read again!
Dave Phillips says
great clean up crew ….thank you !!!
angelyrojas23 says
Pods is a must need
moses.mp10 says
Ray Waldrop says
Love cleanup info
Denise a pratt says
Thank you for the insight on how to keep your tank clean. Great advice
AVeryFishyFish says
I want pepper mint shrimp if I get saltwater.
pumas0511 says
Great information. Thanks ?.
ksnyder0529 says
thanx for all the great info!
bglover65-5383 says
Clean up crews are absolutely essential for any saltwater tank. In any tank build-up, I start with the clean up crew and work my way up.
bglover65-5383 says
Clean up crews are absolutely essential to any saltwater tank
John Dickson says
need this.
katrinkam says
Tammy Liscio says
Good information. It takes lot to clean. Yes I will add snails too.
bglover65-5383 says
No clean up crew = no reef tank. Its just that easy.
Brandon Miller says
Jeff Hardwick says
Steven Flores says
Great info. Looking to start one and this info is very helpful.
William Leonard says
Great information thanks
shawn22vest says
This is a thing most ppl never think about!
Sam says
Very informative, definitely got to be pin for later
Nathan R. Knowles says
I had an urchin in my refugium for a while. My macro algae still had to be trimmed up frequently. I think it liked the coralline algae covering the sump more.
Patrick Macalalad says
Tamara Tanner says
I am so in and believing
Tamara Tanner says
in whole heartedly…
Robert Dinsmore says
Good Stuff
Dale Louderback says
We need more help like this
hawaiijack says
haynpaula says
need pods for sure
Vickie L Couturier says
how interesting,i never thought about how it gets cleaned up before
dwarstler3 says
dwarstler3 says
Chas Corum says
I’m looking forward to installing my first refugium soon. I have spent a lot of time researching what is best to use and it seems much more beneficial to the system than.a bunch of chemicals.
john-3645 says
Thank you for the information!
Ronald Rutstein says
Love the clean up crews available
Great info learned alot
Don Newell says
Very helpful thanks
jimmeiners says
These articles are always a great read and full of information.
Thom says
Who knew?
Tina Votaw says
Great advice. Thank you so much for the info!!
Chad Migues says
Suggestions for clean up crew for a 220 gallon reef aquarium and a 125 gallon fish only aquarium and a 45 gallon seahorse aquarium
mquinones99 says
Need more emmies! Have to continue tweaking
Steven Flores says
Good information. In the process of starting a fuge.
Ethan Chavez says
Great article ?? ? ?
Dongyu says
Great Article.
Dongyu says
Very helpful!
carliehoch1 says
I think it’s a great idea to build a close to perfect ecosystem between tank and sump/refugium.
Kyle says
Great read
rp6610 says
Clean up crews are absolutely essential to aquarium hobbyists ecosystems.
reynaldo787 says
Great info thanks.
demetrius463 says
Always wanted more information on a clean up crew for the refugium.
rebeckie42 says
Very good information, I will look back on this when I get my tank set up. Thank you
zadok jollie says
Every time I’ve read one of these articles, I’ve learned a lot.
Steven Garland says
You and me both !!! I love a diverse ecosystem !!!
david.c.garcia53 says
Great info!
saintdominick says
Wow there’s so many options to work with then. This minimized the amount of equipment needed to maintain your tank giving it a more natural look. I think I might switch to salt water. I don’t feel like I have as many options with fresh water. I learned so much just trying to apply for the contest. I honestly didn’t know that much about salt water tanks because I’m still pretty new to the hobby. Thanks
Zac says
always good to read and learn more about the hobby.
davirjlopes says
Awesome info. got a ton of pods in my refugium and thinking about adding a couple of snails.
txrock7 says
Good to know
vongyang1871 says
I’m gonna try peppermint shrimp in refugium
Jeremy Taylor says
Good to know
galetichtrey1 says
Great info to know!
Kayla Patel says
I’m new to saltwater tanks. I have my tank set up I would like to know how to built a refugium
scotty8284 says
So much to think about! Great insights.
dixtated says
Samer Samaha says
Best way is the natural way!
a.cuffy says
This is some great info. My brother just got me into this hobby and now I am obsessed. I differently add this blog to my top five.
Mackenzie Hayes says
Haven’t started a refugium just yet but this is great info!
Macco says
I would love this
Russell George says
Very good info!
david.c.garcia53 says
Great info. Thanks
Esther says
Great reminder that I need to get a CUC for my refugium!
jugheadmckinney says
I need to read, read, then re-read before I get an aquarium.
Joaquin Diaz says
Looks like I m going to have to put some critter in my fuge? Will they eat up on the copepod population?
chris-1546 says
II had not considered a shrimp in my fuge..
Jonathan Smith says
My refuge needs more critters
Octavio V says
I didn’t know that I’m supposed to add snails to control the algae in there. I’m so glad that I read this
lavishtour says
Good read.
Ryan H Pfaff says
very helpful
henry says
yep read this last week and already add cuc to it. Didnt even thing of a cuc
Tracy Schultz says
Great info
Jorge says
Great information. Thanks so much.
Michael A. Grammar says
Jaana K Gilbert says
Time to add more cleanup crew to my refugium, it’s starting to get dirty.
Roy Ailshie says
Great post
Robert says
As with anything in this hobby, make small and deliberate changes to address concerns/conditions so as to ensure positive outcomes. Always enjoy reading and learning from your articles. Thanks!
Amanda Zlab says
Great information!
Shaun says
Never really thought of placing invertebrate in my refugium. I guess I’ll be trying this one
Abdiel Nieves says
Christina Wahrmund says
This has been very helpful!
stkmach says
Lots of good info in there.
shadlepreston says
Ricardo c. says
I just did this the last week and I can see a difference ???
John Solomon says
Love the information (Y)
Juicy Fry says
Makes me want to take care of my tank or clean something within it
Scott D Carpenter says
I have had many if these critters over the years but the best $30 I ever spent in my life was for an aptasia eating filefish. I had hundreds taking over my tank and tried Tha aptasia magic wand, laser and almost every other product to get rid of them. Couldn’t use shrimp because I have wrasse. The filefish ate the all in less than a month.
ryan2577p says
I guess I really don’t need a fugium since I have a 5 gallon evo
ryan2577p says
I guess I really don’t need a fugium since I have a 5 gallon evo
Rebecca Riles says
Good to know
kaylaroe1990 says
I’m think of setting up a refugium.
Catherine Carreiro says
Definitely have pods and snails in my fuge
crystalgpscott says
Wow!! Very helpful.
Betsy Myers says
Very informative and educations post!
Juan Carlos Perez says
Ive got pods and hermit and emerald crabs in my refugium, keeps bubble algae under control
Grace Riley says
I think a display fuge is an awesome way to go and if you have cool clean up crew all the better!
Daniel Paris says
Will be pleased when cerith and nassarius snails are back in stock
Caleb A Bates says
Too bad I don’t have a refugium.
Donald says
Good information to have!
Angel says
Reason why I need a sump
Cynthia Taylor says
Peppermints are neat and fun to watch too!
I don’t have a refugium in my current tank, but I have 4 hermit crabs, 2 emerald crabs, 2 sally lightfoot crabs, 2 peppermint shrimp, and a lawnmower blenny that help to keep my tank spotless.
hotdolphin21 says
Great article!
Shannon Pickin says
Great info!
Debra Hayson says
thank you for the info would keep the tips in mind
Kaden Horn says
Peppermints totally eradicated aiptasia in my tanks in a day
Joey Gatlin says
Don’t have a fuge but when I do definitely getting a fuge cleanup crew
Mary Robling Meadows says
I’m definitely going to check in to Copepods this weekend!
Kelly Freeman says
thanks for the info!
kirkbovie says
So excited for my new build coming back into the hobby. Nice read!
merlinr26 says
Good to know. I will add a few of my cleanup crew to the fuge.
Emilie Lockley says
Thank you for this awesome info.