It’s important to get live food for fish if you want them to live longer, healthier lives—particularly if they are carnivorous fish. Live copepods, for example, help to ensure that your fish are getting the right nutrients and digestive enzymes. Moreover, you are able to get your order delivered right to your door! Live saltwater fish food are a much better experience for the fish for several reasons.
First, amphipods and copepods are full of nutrition your fish and corals need to thrive. They don’t always get those same nutrients from frozen food or flake food. In fact, many of the nutrients are taken out of these types of food, in order to have a longer shelf-life. Additionally, live fish food doesn’t decay in the tank the same way if it’s not eaten, keeping your fish’s environment cleaner and healthier as well. Amphipods and copepods even clean the tank, eating significant amounts of detritus and nuisance algae.
Copepods for sale online have shown to be more economical as well. A major advantage to live fish food is that it gives your fish a chance to “hunt” for its food. That might seem silly or crazy, but fish often display predatory behaviors in their natural habitat, and they don’t always get to exercise that in a tank.
Where Can You Buy Copepods?
Copepods for sale online are probably the easiest way to get live food for fish without stressing out over different types or actually going out to get it. Keep it off your do-do list and just order online. Vendors on the internet guarantee fresh, live fish food will be delivered right to your door, without any issue. It will probably be even fresher than in the store, considering it’s handled carefully and not sitting on a shelf for days at a time.
Don’t worry that getting live food for fish from AlgaeBarn will ever end with rotten amphipods and copepods in your possession. You will get exactly what you paid for—or your money back. There are a few different options when it comes to live saltwater fish food and you can choose which one you want for your fish. Browse through the different amphipods and copepods online to see what you want. Just do a little research before you decide what to buy.
Arnab Mukherjee says
Dear Team,
Is it possible for you ship live copepods and phytoplankton to India ? Or does algaebarn has any resource in India for procurement ?
If yes, what would be the minimum order value and quantity ?
Waiting for an affirmative reply
Sean T says
Hi Arnab,
We do not currently ship to India. Please email us your information through the contact form. If you can help with importing, than we can investigate that route.
Noah says
Genaro H says
Is it possible to order copepods / brine shrimp online and then store / refrigerate them for later use when they arrive?
Jon Dimitri Andrianos says
Anthony says
When ordering copepods, should you introduce them in conjunction with brine shrimp?
greg.chernoff says
The brine shrimp you might put in the tank will not be able to breed or reproduce, they are normally just a food product. Pods on the other hand will grow in good conditions to a large colony size!
Josh Hiltabiddle says
I now have pods everywhere.
ian m mahoney says
esear14 says
what’s the storage life on these?
robert vice says
I originally got them cause j wanted a mandarin I’m glad you all were local cause I started with algeabarn fist instead of just adult size but all stages to see the tank
Terrence Harrison says
Can I order and have them shipped to me when ready??
Tony Mutti says
I’ve been happy with your pods. Unlike other brands, I think you get more than you advertise.
devon says
the internet makes things easy
artaa1988 says
cant wait to order some when i set up my first fuge
mohamad says
international shipping available?
James says
I add monthly for the fish I should start a colony
James says
I really need to start a colony
James says
How do you start a colony to be sustainable
Carl Brown says
Best pods
Allen Fagard says
Waiting on mine now
Allen Fagard says
Great stuff
Andy says
I have to buy copepods, I can’t sustain a population as I’m without a refugium.
mikerosa1965 says
Just received my first order from you tonight.
Brandi says
how often do pods need to be fed?
Alex says
My fish love to eat pods!
Christopher Burns says
great read
Tara says
Definitely gonna order some.
Sean Simkins says
Lots of copepod articles
professorcanswanky says
Amazing info
Hailey Weir says
Christian Musselman says
I purchased some phytoplankton, when I went in vacation and my fish feeder overfed my fish…. rather than the nitrates going up … the plankton bloomed. I couldn’t see the other side of the tank. With that I have thousands of fairly large copepods.. or amphpods. Do I still need to feed my clown fish regular food.. or are these live critters enough?
Another good pod article
Ross Bennett says
Ordering very soon
David says
Copepods are amazing in the tank. All my fish look healthy as can be since I started feeding.
Doug Smith says
If you want to keep a mandarin or CB you need pods. If you need pods you need algae Barn.
darksorcerer0530 says
*Only buy your pods from here!*
Angela Revell says
Love it
Marc Raupp says
Algae Barn. If i am putting together a refugium, i come here first. They have everything you could need and its always good.
Juan Gonzalez says
I have been using flake food less after introducing the pods. Thank You AlgaeBarn for the informative article
Anthony Ferrelli says
Bring on the pods
Michael Kessler says
Great info
Timothy b says
Been ordering mine from you guys for my mandarin and it’s going great .
Andrew Bilodeau says
Christopher says
Best pods ever
Alexandra says
My Mandarin goby told me that these are the best!
kalihankerd says
Purchased for my mandarin and wrasse–they love them!
Savoury Kem says
Deborah says
Gyrados our mandarin is looking forward to more copepods!
Ricardo Munoz says
Copepods ftw
erik says
love the pods!
Gino says
Only from AlgarBarn!
Stefan Bladen says
Thanks for all the info
Tim Jones says
Pods are fantastic goby loves them
James says
Makes sense
garethb9 says
Looking to get a Mandarin so need to get lots of pods!
Brent Cox says
Can’t wait to watch all mine grow into a nice colony.
Robert Paniagua says
My number 1 place for my copepods and refugium supply
brent says
What microfoods are best for pods?
jeffreyfelter says
I need to order more pods
John Worthington says
I find that when I have an established colony of pods in my tank my tank does a lot better
anxsar says
I fully intend to buy and grow pods and phyto from you, I just need to get the rest of my system together.. this would go a long ways..
Tom Giddens says
i am a repeat customer
John Key says
I’m a firm believer in Copepod being important for a happy aquarium
Kristoffer Hamann says
Need to restock
Isaac Alves says
I use copepods to feed my mandarin. I can’t until you guys carry Amphipods.
Chris Head says
Very good artacle
danieoue says
Matt yeager says
Will be purchasing soon
Sean Beaver says
My fish love my pods.
Itzel says
What are copepods
blk250r says
Order up
Kristopher Kasarda says
Great information! Thank you!
Steve Offutt says
How beneficial would a healthy Pod population be in a FOWLR setup?
Derek says
We do! Our mandarin and green spot love em!
Justin says
Good I fo
Jeremy Hunsberger says
Bennett Sheppard says
Absolutely recommend buying pods!
Kris Hamann says
Need to restock
Jennifer Sledge says
Great info! I get a new batch to refresh my fuge and tank about once a quarter.
Krish says
Looking to get some
William Schimmel says
Pods Pods Pods and more Pods
Ellen S Imbrie says
Can’t have too many pods
btack206 says
We’re lucky that our local fish store keeps them in stock. That way we can get some in an emergency!
Ryan M. Vaughan says
The copepods from algae barn are some of the best quality I have found
stoph70 says
This is exactly right!
glenzemke says
My mandarin would love these!
George says
No BS. This really works!! I have very little experience and my tank is only 2 months old and I’ve been able to keep my Mandarin since the first week. I have a healthy population of PODs thanks to these guys. Only wish I had more room for a real Refugium but for now the back of my tank is doing the trick.
FRANK says
I have purchased copepods from Algae Barn a couple of times in the past and I need to do it again.
Logan Kreider says
Good read
Kyle Frame says
Sign up for auto delivery and always have live food at the ready
Nicholas says
Jose Pacheco says
Best pods ever
Dylan says
Jason L Anderson says
Best pods in the biz
Malynda says
I need these! Thank you for the info!
Ricardo Munoz says
Sure could use a boost of pods. Time to order some!
Sean Hodel says
Lisa says
Thanks for the great copepod info!
castrommaritza says
Doing it now!
Vicki says
Do you ship to New Zealand ?