One of the more fundamental tasks one must undertake when maintaining a saltwater aquarium is controlling nitrogenous waste. Most critical is the elimination of ammonia and nitrite, which are both highly toxic and can “crash” a tank in very short time. Fortunately, this job is naturally (and quite effectively) handled by various microbes. These, the nitrifying bacteria/archaea, form a fairly diverse group. Nitrifiers generate metabolic energy by oxidizing ammonia and nitrite into nitrite and nitrate, respectively. While not desirable in very high concentrations, nitrate is considerably less toxic than its precursors.
Nitrifiers are ubiquitous in the natural environment, including saltwater, freshwater and soils. Generally, all it takes is a small quantity of water, rock or substrate from an “established” system to colonize a newly set up, sterile tank. Once a large population of nitrifiers has established itself–to the extent that ammonia and nitrite are metabolized so quickly that they never reach detectable concentrations–the system is said to be “cycled.”
As a matter of routine, aquaria are cycled before any animals, including fish, are added. This process can take as long as weeks and can thoroughly test the patience of many hobbyists. In order to speed up the nitrogen cycle, one may resort to the use of bottled inocula. Such products might contain different microbial species but typically include Nitrosomonas (an ammonia oxidizer) and Nitrobacter (a nitrite oxidizer).
Fishless aquarium cycling
Before aquarists enjoyed the convenience and consistency of bottled products, they had to use water, rock or substrate from other tanks. While this approach certainly works, it also poses the risk of introducing undesirable organisms such as pathogenic bacteria, parasites and nuisance algae.
To add a source of ammonia–a fuel to get the inoculum going–many keepers added a so-called starter fish. This was usually a cheap, hardy fish such as a damselfish. Sometimes the fish survives the ordeal, sometimes not, but either way, it suffers. Thus, most of us would agree that this practice raises distinct ethical concerns!
Some hobbyists have avoided this by alternatively using dead organic material such as a couple pieces of prawn. While this worked pretty well, it often left a stinky, dirty mess behind. Worse, it promoted the growth of organoheterotrophs that compete with the nitrifiers.
To address these problems, hobbyists developed what are now known as fishless cycling methods. These methods usually involve adding (rather than yucky rotten fish food) a carefully measured dose of inorganic nitrogenous material (generally ammonia-based) as a starting fuel.
Fast and easy
One can obtain relatively fast and predictable results when using bottled inoculants and specially prepared inorganic cycling fuels–as with the Aquarium Cycle Kit! This complete package includes TurboStart 900 by Fritz and NitroCycle by AlgaeBarn. TurboStart 900 contains multiple species of ammonia- and nitrite-oxidizing bacteria. NitroCycle is a specially formulated, inorganic nitrifying fuel. The kit is designed such that you can easily measure components as to get fast results with no problems.
It’s quite easy to find the right dosage for your system:
Size | TurboStart Treats (gallons) | NitroCycle Quantity (238mL) | NitroCycle Treats (gallons) |
1 oz | 25 | 1 | 238 |
4 oz | 100 | 1 | 238 |
16 oz | 400 | 2 | 476 |
32 oz | 800 | 4 | 952 |
128 oz | 3200 | 14 | 3332 |
Now, it’s impossible to say exactly how fast, since every tank is different with regards to temperature, water chemistry, flow dynamics, biomedia, etc. But in some cases, systems cycle out completely in five days. If you really want to speed things up, raise the water temperature to around 83 or 84 degrees F (just remember to lower the temperature when the cycling period is over!).
During the process, you’ll observe lots of ammonia, then lots of nitrite. But as the bacteria multiply and use up the NitroCycle, you’ll notice increasing nitrate levels. And how does one know when the system is fully cycled? That’s easy: When ammonia and nitrite are no longer detected in the water! For this, you should regularly test for ammonia, nitrite and nitrate.
The unending cycle
At this point, it is likely safe to begin stocking. It is best to stock a system incrementally, testing along the way. This often means acquiring no more than one or maybe two animals at a time. By taking things slowly and gradually, you can avoid ammonia spikes that may occur when the bioload exceeds the capacity of the bacteria to rapidly metabolize it to nitrate. To be on the safe side, continue to test ammonia, nitrite and nitrate often.
Before you bring home your first animal(s), perform a large water change. This will refresh the system water of lost trace elements and depleted alkalinity as well as dilute the nitrate that surely has accumulated. Ideally, nitrate should always be kept below 10 ppm; less than 1-2 ppm is even better.
From time to time, situations may arise (medications, power outages, equipment failure, disruptions to biofilter, etc.) that can reduce populations of nitrifying bacteria. These events can result in spikes of ammonia and/or nitrite. Aside from emergency water changes, it is totally acceptable (and indeed advisable) to add some more TurboStart. Assuming the cause of the root problem has been remedied, this will accelerate the rebounding of the biofilter. What you should not do in these situations is add NitroCycle. In fact, you should never use NitroCycle or any other product containing ammonia/nitrite in a tank while it contains live animals!
The nitrogen cycle is certainly one process you can’t skip. While it might be downright torturous to sit through (can’t wait to start getting fish and corals, right?), it doesn’t have to be complicated or take forever. And, if you go with a clean, inorganic fuel source, it doesn’t have to end with a disgusting mess. All great reasons to trust the Aquarium Cycle Kit! And what to do for even more thorough system conditioning and more long-term nitrogen stability? For a functionally complete microbiome, including aerobic/anaerobic biomedia (MarinePure) and denitrifying bacteria (PNS ProBio), simply upgrade to the Ultimate Aquarium Cycle Kit.
kmeyersusmc says
OU812 Reefing says
Did a fishless cycle worked out fine
Mark Keller says
I’ll be trying this in January
kylewyatt74 says
kylewyatt74 says
Cameron says
That seems very great. I would love to use it
kylewyatt74 says
Josue Burgos says
Lynn says
Edwards says
Kitts are the best way to go. Especially if you’re tying out something new. Give you the best chance of succes
Stewart Sbordone says
The best type of cycling!
Lynn says
me also!
Wynn Huynh says
I need to try this myself!
Wesley Hicks says
Very good read
Wesley Hicks says
Very good read
Glenn says
I’ve always cycled with damsels and then had a problem with aggressive fish. This should be much better.
Evan Johannsen says
I agree very informative
thayer yasin says
Joshua Smith says
Works great!
Joshua Smith says
Works great!
kmeyersusmc says
srortega says
Makes sense to me
Jason Stuhmer says
Mark Miller says
Love fishless cycling. Great idea to make it an all in one kit.
Bob Trimper says
Go fishless!
diana says
I like starting a fishless cycle with Fritz TurboStart 900 and Fishless Fuel
Merlin Ruiz says
I haven’t used this product for a fishless cycle but I’ve heard that is very good.
Merlin Ruiz says
I’ve heard good thing about this product on many different blogs.
Merlin Ruiz says
I’ve heard good thing about this product on many different blogs.
Merlin Ruiz says
I’ve heard good thing about this product on many different blogs.
Ryan says
Trying this on a nano-tank I’m setting up for my son.
Heath Weitzel says
Great stuff
scottsfca says
I’ve used this twice and love it.
keckke says
Hopefully will be able to use this on my next tank
Lea Richmond says
Been working wonders on my new setup
Patricia Norris says
Just used this to cycle a tank for a friend, worked great!
M says
Alex says
M says
M says
M says
Now all I need is an aquarium
Christopher Andrew Catherman says
Very good products!
jeff.hershner says
Wish I knew this product was available when I needed it.
Tyler says
Interesting product. A good start for someone with a new aquarium
Chris MacDonald says
Good article
Chris MacDonald says
Good article
stephen miller says
finnianzsheehan says
Sounds good
Chris Poynter says
If you want a custom aquascape that requires sculpting from dry rock, this is a necessity.
Lindsay Marino says
Great blog! If you start your tank right you’re destined for success
Derrick Lambert says
I’ve never done a fishless cycle. Always used chromis or clowns with multiple bottles of bacteria. Always had good luck doing it this way. I know fishless is now the way to go but I guess I’m just old fashioned!
marshallbros59701 says
Cycled three tanks now using this it works great.
James says
Used turbo start and it was amazing.
thayer yasin says
Need your running perfect us it
Austin Karpola says
Obligatory comment.
Richard Allen says
Plan on using this for my upcoming nano build.
Jessica Turner says
I’ll have to try this next time I start a tank. Thanks for the info!
Richard Allen says
Plan on using this soon for a nano build.
Richard Allen says
Will be using this soon on an upcoming nano build.
Andy Stipe says
great info!
jhoffman says
Good article.
Christopher Snyder says
Love it
Christopher Snyder says
Love it
Art Mulanax says
Bewst way to start a new tank
Clinton R DeVine says
Can’t wait to get another aquarium to use this kit again. Works amazing.
Arthur says
I would like to try it.
Mark J Laber jr says
Dallas Tippie says
This looks like a great way to cycle a tank.
Michael Pimental says
Josh says
This worked well.
Menezes Industries says
This would be really cool to use, fishless cycling is amazing
Blake Rickels says
Great article!
Blake Rickels says
Nice article!
Kevin Johnson says
Perfect for the fishless cycle.
Ray says
I can’t wait to try it on my new tank!
Dan says
I would definitely like to try this natural way next tank around.
William Zuk says
Good read. Go fishless!
Shawn Vest says
Awesome! What an amazing way to help fast track mew reefers into the hobby and make it simple for them!
Jason Vazzano says
Edward leslie says
Good for starting out a system
Ethan Montoya says
Great write up!
Christina Wahrmund says
Thanks for the information!
Tori says
Great read! Will refer to this when I start my next tank.
Erin Rogers says
Always an advocate for fishless
rrusch24 says
Best cycling kit I have used to date. Tank #7 and fishless cycling!
Michael Fox says
I’ll be using this on my next tank
Ty Engelke says
Fishless is the future
Brandon says
Instant gratification for those of us that can sometimes be impatient getting into this hobby!
Russell Dugard says
waiting to see
Russell Dugard says
hope to find out
Mr Papu says
Is it only good for a new tank?
Kevin Weisen says
The best Tank Cycle kit I ever uses. Thanks Algaebarn
Reginald(DJ) Kimble says
what is the average amount of time for a new tank to cycle?
? awsome
? awsome
? awsome
? awsome
? awsome
? awsome
? awsome
? awsome
Lilly moore says
Matt H says
Joshua DenBoer says
Looks like some good stuff
Christie Frazier says
Just stated this last week in a brute. Waiting patiently so I can order me tank !!
Brandon Seay says
Comment for cade
Brandon Seay says
Good info
Danielle says
Great write up on the process, especially for people who may be unfamiliar
Ryan Smith says
Amazing article!!!
sdpyle says
I’ll give this a try on my next tank.
William Wahl says
Works like a charm! Great article!
William Wahl says
Works like a charm!
oodydog says
Good article
JessU says
The nitrification cycle is so important and it’s easy to chase the numbers. Like all experts say, keep them steady and you’ll be g2g!
Dan Norwood says
Griffin Adwar says
good to have a kit, makes it simple and fritzyme works so fast
Clifton Gill says
Have a new tank coming in soon and might give this a try, in addition to the PNS stuff.
Patricia Norris says
Product works great, I’m always suggesting it to new aquariust.
Joshua Vaisman says
Didn’t know Algaebarn has a fishless cycling product – very cool!
Chun Chan says
csordellini says
Very nice
Peter Davis says
Peter Davis says
Randy says
Marco Martinez says
Good article!
Paul Guilliam says
That is awesome
Ryan says
Good article
Bryan Luallen says
What an informative blog. I can easily incorporate these tips in my reef keeping.
Matthew Armstrong says
Will defendant try this next tank I get
Craig Case says
I spent a ton on dr Tim’s and was a major let down my wife ordered this kit after watching me cuss for days the fritz and nitrocycle had my tank do a complete 180. Won’t start another tank without it.
Emilie Lockley says
Good Info
Shawn B says
This will come in great if I get a new tank! Thanks Algae Barn
David Todorov says
I’ve used this, but be careful with the dosing or you’ll end up with of the chart nitrates for a long time
David Todorov says
I’ve used this, but be careful with the dosing or you’ll end up with of the chart nitrates for a long time
David Todorov says
I’ve used this, but be careful with the dosing or you’ll end up with of the chart nitrates for a long time
David Todorov says
I’ve used this, but be careful with the dosing or you’ll end up with of the chart nitrates for a long time
David Todorov says
I’ve used this, but be careful with the dosing or you’ll end up with of the chart nitrates for a long time
David Todorov says
Good info
Sawyer Breslow says
Cycling is a must!
Billy Seale says
Good article
Michael Luong says
Love it
Taylor Merritt says
Great info!
Eric says
Brandon Romani says
Def used it and it works!
Jorge Cabrera says
Awesome article!!!! Thank you
Bobby Layland says
Will be using this for the new office tank
Bobby Layland says
I will be using this on the next build
Tim Brown says
One of the most often overlooked pieces of a fish tank.
Eric says
Austin Metzger says
Maria Lynn Slabonik says
Very informative article, thanks! I will definitely use on next tank I win, lol!
Travis Phifer says
I love this cycling information.
stephen doerr says
If more beginning aquarists would read and understand articles such as this, there would be less frustration and questions on forums. Good Job!
Chris says
Great article and easy to understand.
Jenny L Schaefer says
Wish I knew when I had a fishless!
Jenny L Schaefer says
Wish I knew when I had a fishless!
Emily Bell says
Have used this kit once and it worked awesome!
jeff.hershner says
I wish I knew about this when I was setting up my tank.
Scott Lazzaro says
Aaron Jones says
Seth Christopher says
Dan Brands says
This is a great method to boost the health of your aquarium quickly.
scotty8284 says
A healthy tank should be our goal, and this gets it off to a good start.
John Kellar says
I want to try this fishless method next aquarium I set up.
James says
Thank you. Very interesting
Casey says
I good balance of bacteria being added to a new take makes such a huge difference. We did this on our most recent 15 gallon softie tank and it worked like a dream. We were able to add fish very soon and did not take long to be able to support easy corals. Things like this make it easier to jump into the game quicker and bypass so much of the boring stage.
Haley Harper says
Worked well for me!
Jessica Murray says
Wish I would have done this at the beginning!
Bob Trimper says
Fishless is best
bezag says
TJ Lewis says
Works great!
Chad Seger says
Chad Seger says
Chad Seger says
Informative piece, thanks!
Christine says
Nice !
Rebecca Whitley says
sometimes the waiting is a good thing, i mean you get to plan what your going to bring in!
Dustin Ward says
My next tank I will try to cycle with no fish.
greystoke420 says
Sydney Monroe says
I’ve always done fishless cycling, this is great!
Sydney Monroe says
I’ve always done fishless cycling, this is great!
Joe says
Trusted brand, cant go wrong with this if you’re starting a new tank!
Michael Vargas says
Great breakdown. Good read ?
Devon Maynard says
Kits like these are a great step for the hobby.
Green says
Awesome thanks
Mike says
Wouldn’t mind trying this in a system, but I am skeptical due to the past results of other products of trying to aid in the process.
Tony Garcia says
This is super interesting!
Alex Merida says
Awesome. I love reading all algaebarn articles. I always learn a lot
zaidalin79 says
I’ve used the turbo start. Good to see other similar products in the works.
Joey Gatlin says
Great article. I love turbostart
vbukhta says
great product
Frank Fodera says
Next time I start a reef I will use this
Frank Fodera says
Next time I start a reef I will use this
Tiffany Hook says
Great info I love turbo start so this is interesting I hate using live fish to cycle a tank.
Carl Rode says
I’ve always fed with raw shrimp. Might have to try Nitrocycle next time.
Ari says
Fishless cycles save lives!
chris early says
No doubt
Pepper Darlington says
Devin says
I have used it and agree
nicole morrison says
Brian Cole says
I always use live bacteria from a bottle. Never put a fish through that.
mattsingledad says
Wish I had and knew about this when I set up my aquarium
Matt says
Awesome detailed post! Thanks!
Zach Hall says
Fishless everytime.
Heath Justin Hester says
Deva says
I love turbo start, great stuff works faster than the rest.
Colby Bullock says
Doing a fishless cycle as we speak with another popular product. It’s on day 15 and ammonia is still .25ppm and NO2 is still over 5ppm bbwish I had tried this product first.
Maggie Dahl says
Great write up and very informative.
Edward says
Works for me
Charles Keri says
Martin Strait says
Makes it easy
Rhett Unbehagen says
I wish more fish stores recommended fishless. I guess they want to sell a fish sooner but I’ve gone looking for ammonia only to be handed a bag with snails in it.
Jacob T Wright says
Can’t wait to try
Juan Pérez says
Works great I’ve used this before a long time ago.
Nora says
Good info
Rudy Garcia says
I wish I had known about this when I set up my current tanks. I just did it the old fashioned way with a piece of shrimp.
Tim Abbe says
This is great forward thinking. We pieced together this kit, basically with our last tank.
Can’t wait to get started.
But wait there’s more…just always wanted to say that, can’t wait to set up.
Set up mode
Lindsay says
Bought it. Love it!
Lindsay says
Bought it. Love it!
Mindy Nasi says
All of your write ups are so spot on. These are me new reference pages
Teahen Johnson says
Greenstreet58 says
Great idea no fish.
Tom Harbin says
Fishless is the only humane way to do a cycle.
Jason Nalley says
I would definitely use this to setup a new tank
Stephen Killam says
Wish I had some of this info years ago. Man the hobby has really progressed in the last 10 years
Griffin A says
Greg says
Its a process but worth it
Greg says
Its a process but worth it
Logan Miller says
Easier than what I did to cycle mine
bylerbc says
This stuff works great!!
adam.sorrell740 says
Great info for someone just starting out in the saltwater tank world!
mrandyoconnor says
If I use dry rock I would do this
mrandyoconnor says
If I use dry rock I would do this
Austin Renaud says
Will be trying this very soon
justan jenkins says
cant wait to win a system and give it a try.. lol
Chelsea says
Seems like this is the way to go to get your cycle going.
John Bowman says
Blade Luman says
Good stuff
Thomas says
Good starter
Joshua says
Good read
Joshua says
Good read
Joshua says
Good read
Joshua Douglas says
Good read
Joshua Douglas says
Good read
Joshua Douglas says
Good read
michael bauer says
Robert Strehl says
Nicer cycle kit than my Harley!
Robert Paterson says
I will use this in about 8 weeks when my new tank arrives and excited about it.
Larry Brazzell says
Makes sense
Shawn Lyons says
A sound way to start a new tank
Shawn Lyons says
A sound way to start a new tank
Shawn Lyons says
A sound way to start a new tank
Amber says
Like to try it.
Edgar Diaz says
It’s so great that all of this is available now. Makes it easier for people to get in the hobby and enjoy!
Kendra says
This stuff is great!
Elizabeth Storm says
Thank you
Rafael says
I dont miss the days when you have to wait for a month for the tank be cycled.
Paul Winchester says
Lots of good takeaways from this.. Thanks for the info.
David says
It just works!!
Kim Eberhart says
I like this way better than cycling with a fish that may or may not make it!
Mark Diaz says
You guys rock!
arlan says
great information in your blog thanks
Juliana says
Way better than wait for a month to cycle.
C M says
This is a great kit to cycle a new tank or even boost a tank before adding a large bio load. Thanks for making it simple.
Tony Mutti says
I like your blogs.
Chris Lee says
E says
More humane
George S says
a friend of mine used this product worked GREAT!!
George S says
a friend of mine used this product worked GREAT!!
George S says
Jahr says
Cool, I’ll have to try this next time I’m cycling a tank!
William says
William says
William says
Timothy Blakely says
Great information!!
Deej says
A fishless cycle has always been my go to method!
Rachael Mattice says
Richard Cline says
Wyman McKinley says
wymankmckinley says
great stuff worked great
Sarah Minter says
This information is awesome
Dawsey Christopher says
Krista Frost says
It’s weird, I tested mine for a month and things never spiked, but fish and corals are healthy and thriving. I had some algae blooms in the beginning.
Jason Stuhmer says
Looking forward to trying this the next time I cycle a tank.
Jason Stuhmer says
Looking forward to trying this the next time I cycle a tank.
MARK says
Nancy says
Excited to learn more!
Dan says
Always useful info!
Jason Wheary says
I can tell you I used the “shrimp” method, and my tank was cycled in just shy of 3 weeks.
Keith Schoenfeldt says
Great product
Tanya Hayward says
Good read
Troy D Feeken says
Troy D Feeken says
Charles Folstrom says
Great idea to make it an all in one kit.
John says
Adrien says
Always used whenever starting out
Damian Thompson says
I might have to give this a try with my next tank
jr kiatvorakun says
Will be my choice on my next tank
jr kiatvorakun says
Will be my choice on my next tank
Joshua Dugger says
All in one kit is a great idea.
Boy On The Shore says
Good stuff
Tom says
Best way to cycle your tank
Ashley Bridges says
This is how I cycled my tank. Thanks for the advice and helping new reefers!
Ashley Bridges says
This is how we cycled.
Ashley Bridges says
Best way to do it!
Jose says
I’m glad the days of smelling a stinky shrimp in the sump are over. This makes cycling so much easier.
Ryan Waltman says
Gimme free stuffs.
Kurt says
Scott Lazzaro says
Andrew Hayes says
Good quality
Scott Wayne Christenson says
Very good information thank you all
Chad Parks says
Great information. Thanks!
Jeffrey Gaddie says
The best
Jeffrey Gaddie says
The best
Jeffrey Gaddie says
George S says
Frank says
astaffa007 says
My copepod population is booming after 3 months
astaffa007 says
My copepod population is booming after 3 months
Mike Wakeen says
Very Nice
Mike Wakeen says
Try it with my new Cade
Mike Wakeen says
Want One!
Alice Peach says
Still working on it.
Brandon Yost says
Awesome info here.
Brandon Yost says
Awesome info here thank you as always
bhebbler says
Wish I had tried that instead of the way I did. Stayed locked for two months.
Jahr Turchan says
I will definitely use this the next time I’m cycling an aquarium. Algae Barn products are the best!
Eric Mamola says
Wow that’s really nice stuff!
David Todorov says
I used this on my last tank. Just be careful and make sure you do not use total tank volume and use actual water volume, or you will overdose this stuff easy. So take out the volume for the rock and sand in your tank
David Todorov says
I love this stuff
Eric says
Joshua Smith says
Works great
Joshua Smith says
Works great
Christy says
I will be doing this on my next tank.
shrimppyshrimp says
Used the turbo. Works great
Jenna says
Very informative! Thanks!
RowenH says
Great post to help new hobbyist get it right when starting up their systems from scratch. Going through the nitrogen cycle can be daunting with an empty system.
Desiree says
We will use this on the next tank!
Martin Robinson says
Turbo works great
jason bohr says
this was the kit i used when i bought my 600, was incredible and efficient.
Amanda Kuchyt says
Nice ??
tt says
just ordered this for my new tank.
everyone says its the best for cycling a tank
Amanda Rasberry says
ibrianw0ng says
Make total sense!
Matt says
Looks like a cool way to expedite the process!
Brandon Allen says
I’ve actually used this twice in new systems. It works. Works fast.
Jerome Morignot says
To be tried
Jason Williams says
Such a great product. I will definitely be using it the next time I cycle a tank.
Jason Williams says
Thank you for the informative article. Such a cool product!
Jason Williams says
Odd, it said it wouldn’t let me post that first comment, so I followed up with this one.
Chris Crisostomo says
Definitely going to use this when I start a new tank.
Salvador says
Awesome break down really helpful thanks for this ?
Dusty says